March 9th
2025: Politics and Reviewing
I’m currently reviewing two Russian refractor objectives – LZOS’s 130/1200 and LOMO’s 80/480.
But Russia. I’ve spent quite a lot of time in Russia and I love the place, the culture too. I even speak a bit of Russian. But the Putin regime is abhorrent to me: Ukraine, but also Salisbury. At the time I viewed the latter as an act of war; I recently discovered the head of MI6 at the time thoughts so too.
Should this affect my POV on Russian products? By analogy, many specialist journalists and reviewers have turned mildly or extremely negative on Tesla and SpaceX lately: not just Musk, not just the companies, but the products too. Check out Clean Technica’s or Electrek’s Tesla coverage for egregious examples.
I’m dismayed and angry over Trump’s (and Musk’s) treatment of Zelensky and apparent support for Putin, but I think this kind of journalistic bias is unacceptable and unprofessional; risible actually. Their job (and mine here) is to provide an impartial opinion of the product. And honestly, how many products do we all consume made by PRC-owned companies (in terms of cars, including MG)? Don’t look too closely at the politics of the Porsche or Swarovski families, either.
So I will continue to give an honest opinion on products based on their merits, not on their perceived political affiliations. At most, I’ll note political concerns and move on.
Those Russian lenses are both top-drawer, BTW. Reviews soon.
13th 2024: Takahashi’s Multi Flattener
Multi Flattener and CA Ring 65 on the back of an FC-60 in place of the
1.25” eyepiece holder.
My previous post about Tak’s new imaging refractors and their super new ‘FU’ reducers (!) got me thinking. I mean a 0.65x reducer is pretty impressive, but do you really need such a fast scope (F4.0 in the case of the FCT-65)?
If you don’t, then Takahashi have a (much) cheaper option available: their 1.04x FC/FS Multi Flattener which offers a 44mm (full frame) on recent models or a 40mm image circle on older ones.
Unlike the old dedicated flatteners for scopes like the FS-60, the Multi Flattener works across most small Tak refractors, past and present. All you need to swap to a different scope is an adapter ring that Tak’ call a ‘Multi CA Ring’ that gets the spacing right.
In theory you can get a Multi CA Ring for old models from the FC-60 (above) through the FS-152, as well as most recent small refractors like the FC-76 and FC-100. It’s great that Tak’ is still thinking about the owners of 1980s scopes!
The CA ring threads onto the back of the flattener, with the only gotcha that it terminates in an M52 male thread (not the usual M42 T thread or M48 Wide-T). Tak’ want you to buy one of their expensive M52 camera adapters, but if you have a Baader or similar wide-T already, just get a cheap M48-M52 adapter instead.
I plan on testing the Multi Flattener across a range of Tak’s scopes.
The Roads From Mars Hill 2nd Edition - Now Available in
(Click the
image to check it out on Amazon)
My latest book The Roads From Mars Hill is an epic desert road trip in search of Percival Lowell and his extraordinary legacy – from giant Edwardian telescopes to nuclear Mars rockets, UFOs and SpaceX. If you like my travel section, I think you’ll like it!
Now a completely revised 2nd edition with lots of new astro’ content and available as a paperback or – my personal favourite – this handsome hardcover (as well as on Kindle).
Click the image above for an Amazon link, then download
the Kindle sample and see what you think!
2nd 2024: New Takahashi Models
A couple of months back, a brace of new Takahashis – the FCT-65D, FC-76DP and FS-60CP and– appeared on their website. Now that they’ve just launched three fancy new reducers to go with, I thought I’d take a quick look at them here.
All three are small fluorite apochromats (no surprise) and
all three share the same unusual look, with a fatter 95mm tube section at the
back connected to a section of 80mm tube holding the objective. Two of those
objectives are from existing scopes – the 60mm F5.9 fluorite doublet from
the FS-60 and the 76mm F7.5 fluorite doublet from the FS-76D. The third
objective is new – a 65mm F6.2 fluorite triplet.
The reason for the wider rear tube is to hold the larger, more imaging-friendly focuser from the FC-100DF instead of the smaller one originally from the FS-60.
The larger focuser should vignette less on large sensors, cope with heavy cameras better. All three models support the cheap-but-good 1.04x flattener, but Tak’ have developed a new, dedicated high-end ‘FU’ reducer for each scope.
Whether the reducers are so named cos they really are an FU to lesser reducers I don’t know, but they are fluorite quadruplets giving an impressive 0.65x (!) reduction in focal length, so maybe. Performance of the reducers looks outstanding, with very wide and well-corrected fields, but at a high price.
The basic scopes are competitively priced … in Japan. Not so much in Europe. Still, you get a 2” eyepiece holder and a camera angle adjuster thrown in for free. The 95mm tube section should mean you can use any old 95mm Tak’ clamshell if you want to avoid the nice but expensive CNC rings.
I’m hoping to try at least one of them and review
it. I’ll keep you posted.
25th 2024: New Content Incoming!
I haven’t posted much new stuff on Scope Views this year. Wish I could tell you that’s cos I’ve been chilling on a beach somewhere (especially this one with an observatory)! In fact, I’ve been updating my gothic YA novel Fugue – you can check it out in the ‘Other Writing’ link off the website if you’re curious – and writing a sequel.
The good news is I’m back to writing lots of new content for Scope Views, with a bunch of new reviews coming and updates to existing ones too. Subscribe on social media or check the website for updates.
April 11th
2024: Zeiss Discontinues ‘Try Zeiss’
sadly IMO, Zeiss have discontinued their Try Zeiss service which allowed me to
get hold of and review new Zeiss products. Why is this a problem? Most Scope
Views readers seem to imagine I receive press loaners from Zeiss, Swarovski,
Leica, Nikon etc. I wish! But it’s just not true.
reality, the only loaners I get are from friends (thanks guys!) and kind
readers like you. So when a new and tasty piece of gear comes out for review I
have two choices: buy it, or go on the waitlist for a loaner if available. The
former gets expensive fast. The latter can be frustrating.
In fact getting hold of gear to review is usually the bottleneck to more
Scope Views content. If you know of any optics companies who might be willing
to loan me some kit, please let me (and/or them) know!
March 1st
2023: Astro Physics 110 GTX Update
November I blogged about Astro Physics’ new refractor, the 110 GTX: a
super-compact photo visual 110mm F6 with superb correction and a massive
in-house focuser to take a heavy imaging rig.
110 GTX is effectively the replacement – 20 years on – of one of my
all time favourites, the Traveler, so I was pretty
excited about it.
AP finally released the dates for the draw and I spent the evening (and unfortunately
some of the night) fretting over whether I was going to try and get one. The
reason for my angst? The price…
November I estimated $5000-6000 including case and rings. I based that estimate
on AP’s other current models: the 92mm Stowaway ($3750) and the 130 GTX ($7490).
was wrong. The 110 GTX is $6750 including the case but without the rings and
plate that I got thrown in with the Stowaway. So why is the 110 GTX so
close to the 130 GTX in price despite being slightly closer to the Stowaway in
aperture? Some thoughts…
Because they can…” Opined a friend. But then AP could doubtless
have charged (a lot) more for the Stowaway, but didn’t. There has been
talk of delays, so perhaps the objective or the focuser have proved more
challenging or more expensive to produce than expected?
achieve a 110mm F6 foil-spaced triplet (i.e. avoiding big air gaps for
ruggedness), with 90% Strehl across the whole visible spectrum, AP are using
the very latest ED glass – FPL55 in place of FPL53. Is it possible that
they’re having to reject a lot of blanks? Roland has noted that Ohara
don’t guarantee internal
homogeneity beyond a basic level, writing:
can be so bad that the entire batch of 50, 100, 250 or 500 blanks that were
delivered show 2 to 5 waves of astigmatism and must be thrown into the
landfill. On another day they may all be good enough or almost perfect. The
chance is one the lens maker always has to take and live with the consequences.
The glass manufacturer never takes the glass back, nor will they ever give any
possibility is that the focuser has proved problematic. The Stowaway has a 2.5”
Starlight FT with a custom visual back, but for the 110 GTX AP have returned to
making their own – a heavy-duty 3.5”. Now you might point out that
the 130 GTX has an in-house 3.5” too, but it’s not the same
focuser. The new one has a very short body for compactness and
it’s possible they’ve struggled to make it both rugged and
resistant to image shift.
the reason, the 110 GTX is an expensive scope: with import duties and shipping
about the same as a Takahashi FSQ-106 here in the UK, but you’ll need to
fork out for a flattener to go imaging with the 110 GTX. But at least with AP
quality is pretty much guaranteed.
am I still going in for the draw? Sigh. Probably…
24th 2023: Borg 125FL
Image credit
week, Borg revealed a brand new scope at the Japanese Photo Show, a 125mm in a
super-light OTA. This is an exciting announcement; to explain why I need to
unpack the details.
produced larger scopes with ED (not FL) lenses before, but those older ED Borgs
can be of dubious quality. In comparison, all current Borg objectives,
including the new 125mm, are fluorite doublets made by Optron in Japan and all
the FL Borg objectives I’ve seen have been superb.
Borg’s largest scope is a 107FL at F5.6. The new scope has a slightly
slower focal ratio of F6.4 (800mm), but that’s inevitable: refractor
aberrations get worse at larger apertures and need slower f-numbers to control
them. So F6.4 is (typically for Borg) ambitious for a 5” apochromat, a
focal ratio you’ll usually find in faster triplets of that
aperture. Borg say this is the largest fluorite doublet Canon produce.
question is whether such a large fast doublet will have too much false colour?
I guess not. By using the right mating element and a larger air gap, both the
90FL and the 107FL are well corrected and the 125FL will be too (for context,
Tak’s FS-128 was very well corrected at F8, but was foil-spaced and used
an older mating element).
are mainly aimed at imagers and the 125FL will work with Borg’s current
0.7x reducer to take it down to a super-fast F4.5 (that’s faster than
either an NP-127 or even a FSQ-130 natively) with good coverage at full-frame.
taking their cue from Tak’ and AP among others, Borg also intend to offer
a dedicated 1.0x flattener with a whopping 55mm image circle for even larger
CMOS chips and those brave souls using their Hasselblads
for imaging.
good stuff doesn’t end with the glass: the 125FL will use a special
carbon-fibre composite, with a scratch-resistant textured finish, for the tube.
Borg are specialists at doing small and light, so how much will the 125FL
weigh? My Twitter feed says under 4Kg which would be just amazing for a
5” APO.
tube will have the same 115mm diameter as their current largest for backward
compatibility and the photo shows it with the existing large M75 helical
focuser (part 7875 if you’re interested).
125FL is slated for release this year and for me it couldn’t be more
timely: a super-light 5” is exactly what I need. But there’s a
problem. My tiny 55FL setup cost about £1500, so I imagine the 125FL will
be very expensive.
15th 2023: Vixen’s New PF-L II Polar Scope
write a full review when I get the chance, because I’m impressed with
this updated polar scope for Vixen’s AP and SX mounts.
scopes are a pain in the neck (often literally), but they offer quick and
precise polar alignment if you can see Polaris. My old one was probably faulty,
but in any case messing around with meridian offsets can be fiddly.
new polar scope does away with that, by pattern matching Ursa Major and/or
Cassiopeia: just twist until the patterns are in the right position, then set
Polaris into a scale calibrated to 2040. I found just basic alignment
sufficient to get perfect tracking for exposures of a minute or two at focal
lengths up to a metre on my SX2, but for proper alignment you can set Delta-Umi
and 51 Ceph into their own scales.
polar scope is easy to use too. It has plenty of eye relief and positive
focusing. The eyepiece has a rubber bumper ring so as not to scratch my glasses.
Illumination is by an internal red LED with fine brightness control that turns
off after a few minutes to save leaving it on and draining the battery
(inevitable otherwise).
quality is first rate too, but then at ~£260 it’s not cheap.
7th 2023: Zeiss’ old 8x32 Victory FLs
old 8x32 Victory FLs were a Scope Views best buy for years and one of my
all-time favourites. Their replacement as Zeiss’ premium 32mm
bino’, the 8x32 SF, is good but very different. Now the 32mm SFLs (see my
post here from a few weeks back) promise similar characteristics to the FLs and
I’m curious to compare them, so I bought an old pair of FLs in advance.
been taking the FLs hiking most days and they’ve reminded me what a great
binocular they were (and still are): unbeatably small and light, with a wide
bright detailed view, good eyepiece comfort and a superb focuser that’s
as fluid as the SFs’ but even faster. This pair has seen some heavy use,
but remain optically and mechanically as good as new (better, because the
focuser has freed up: even more fluid but losing none of its precision).
really knocked it out of the park with the little FLs and it will be
interesting to see how the new SFLs compare; they have a lot to live up to.
Meantime, used prices for the FLs have finally dropped and they make a great
used buy.
29th 2023: Keep It Dry
obvious you should keep your optics dry, right? Well, given the lenses
I’ve seen with fungus or haze lately, maybe not.
most acute problem is small dead air spaces like the air-gap in air-spaced
objectives that trap moisture. Condensation gets in when you take cold gear
into a warm house or car, but also if kept indoors in a steamy kitchen or
outdoors in observatories, sheds and garages. I once saw a £40,000
Takahashi rig (EM500 + Mewlon 300 + FS-128 + 5”
Hα filter) destroyed after just a year in a little dome
set straight onto earth, but even ones on a proper concrete pad with a damp
membrane can suffer. I kept a dehumidifier running 24/7 in my own observatory
and it kept things perfectly dry – buy a decent one, I found
Mitsubishi’s excellent.
store your optics with silica gel desiccant in the case. You can buy the little
pouches cheaply on Ebay or Amazon, but not all are
created equal. Some have a Tyvek outer and can be safely microwaved to
re-activate once they’re saturated. I’ve recently discovered the
large ones intended for cars, see above, which are an economical way of getting
lots of gel in a robust pack.
strongly recommend putting a desiccant plug in the eyepiece holder of your
focuser to keep the inside of your scope dry. Annoyingly, these are not as
widely available as you might think. Starlight Instruments make the best, but
it’s out of stock everywhere. If you’re stuck you can make one
yourself by drilling some holes in the bottom of a 35mm film cannister (perfect
fit in a 1.25” hole) and then filling it with little gel sachets (wash
the swarf out and dry thoroughly first).
owners of sealed bino’s and scopes are looking smug at this point, but
don’t be. Seals can leak and the outside of lenses can get mould and
fungus which etches coatings; rubber can get mildew and degrade. Always air-dry
your bino’s before putting them away and avoid long-term storage in a
leather case which can house fungal spores.
January 23rd
2023: Zeiss 30mm SFLs
little Swarovski Curio 7x21s are wonderful for their size, but are limited to
full daylight and are too small for astronomy.
smallest general purpose binoculars that work for nature viewing or birding at
dusk, or some casual astronomy, are in the 30-32mm size, but premium models
– Zeiss’ SFs and Swarovski’s NL Pures
- are relatively large and heavy.
Swarovski’s 30mm CL Companions are good but the view and handling
aren’t up to high-end standards. Nikon make the venerable 8x30 EII porros, but they’re relatively expensive now and neither
armoured nor waterproof.
needed is a modern premium binocular that’s truly small and light.
Zeiss’s ultra-compact Victory FLs once filled this niche and were a Scope
Views Best Buy, but they’re long discontinued and getting less available
the 30mm version of Zeiss’ successful and excellent SFLs. These are (almost!) as
small as the Victory FLs and even lighter at just 460g – the lightest
premium binoculars I know of outside the folding class. What’s more, they
boast top-quality optics and mechanicals and have decently wide (65° apparent) fields and promise good eye relief of 18mm
looking forward to reviewing them and might even by a pair for myself!
January 7th
2023: Cost Cutting
year I buy a Christmas pie from Fortum and Masons on London’s Piccadilly.
Fortnums is expensive and their Christmas pie has
always been suitably fancy – like a beautifully cooked turkey dinner with
all the trimmings in a pie. But not this year. With too much dark meat, too
much gelatine and voids and without the decoration on top, it’s clearly
been a victim of cost-cutting.
week I treated myself to a brand new pair of Swarovski 12x50 Els (from a UK
main dealer) and I’m rather afraid the same thing has happened. Gone is
the nice semi-rigid case. In its place a simple fabric bag. A bar of that soap
from the NL Pures is no substitute.
more troublingly, though, this pair had an optical problem. Fine by day, they showed a
nasty smear of light running vertically from a first-quarter Moon across the
whole field. Investigation with an LED revealed bad prism spikes in the right
barrel (above). All roofs do show some spiking on the brightest lights, but
this was much worse than usual. I sent them back to the (fortunately most
obliging) dealer for a replacement.
replacements are an older pair and have the nice size L case that SW
won’t even sell as an accessory any more (and no soap). Spiking on the
LED is minimal and the Moon perfect. Stray light is much lower overall and star
images tighter. It’s the great bino’ I reviewed and want to own.
hope the combination of cost-cutting on the accessories and the optical fail
are a coincidence, but there’s a moral here: buy from a reliable dealer
and test your new purchase carefully and without delay.
28th 2022: Where have all the Monos gone?
Some of
these planetary eyepieces are becoming rare.
noticed a post this morning wanting TMB Monocentric eyepieces. I’ve been
looking for a 4mm for a while myself, and not only. I can’t find a
Tak’ 2.8mm Hi-Ortho’ anywhere. Meanwhile, the price of Pentax XOs
has soared way above original list and sure enough my contact in Japan tells me
they’re rare and expensive in their homeland too. Even the once-common TV
2-4mm Nagler Zoom is hard to find.
few years ago, classic planetary eyepieces like these were readily available;
not anymore.
multi-flattener is a clever way to save on kit if you own several Takahashi
fluorite doublets (except for the Sky90 and FOA60 which use a different lens
design). You just need the inexpensive spacer (‘CA’) ring for each
scope. Originally, Tak’ brought out seven CA rings to fit a range of
scopes, new and old. But we’re already down to five: I went to buy one
for my FC-50, only to find it’s discontinued, even in Japan. I snapped up
the ring for my FC-60 because it’s been discontinued too.
finding a pair of Nikon SE bino’s – same story.
a reminder not to assume long-term availability for the gear you want: high-end
optics are often produced in small batches and when they’re gone
they’re gone. Some are replaced by a newer equivalent but not always (AP
Stowaway F5 anyone??)
18th 2022: Telescope or Camera Lens?
This image
of Venus is distorted by decentred elements in a Samyang 24mm F1.4 lens.
lenses and telescopes are functionally the same; but the way they do it is
different, despite some recent telescopes that blur the line (the WO Cats come
to mind). This was brought home to me by a recent viewing session with an old
friend, comparing various scopes on Mars and Jupiter.
had been told that Takahashi’s FSQ scopes, four-element Petzvals based on an old camera lens design, are a bit
compromised for high-power visual use – that they are essentially just
camera lenses. Our planetary viewing session proved that’s not true. The
FSQ-106 gave good views of Mars at 200x, if perhaps slightly less sharp than a
fluorite doublet FC-100D alongside. Meanwhile, the little FSQ-85, equipped with
its 1.5x extender, excelled: views as sharp and colour-free as the finest at
this aperture, arguably better than a TV-85 for example.
shouldn’t have been surprised. I’ve spent a lot of time with a
different four-element Petzval, the Tele Vue NP-101, which is an excellent
visual scope and produces fine images too.
camera lens could do this, even if you could fit an eyepiece. For one thing,
camera lenses typically have lots more elements to achieve an even faster focal
ratio, elements whose centring is often slightly off (sometimes too much so
even for landscape astrophotography – see above). But more fundamentally,
I’ve read that camera lenses are fabricated to an optical quality of
about one wave – ¼ of the usual minimum for astronomical
course, camera lenses are plug-and-play in a way that few imaging scopes are.
Anyone trying to get the flattener spacing just right with a Borg system will discover
this. Still, Takahashi’s achievement in making an ~F5 camera lens that
will also give high-power views is real. And for imaging, a good telescope with
a flattener (whether built-in or not) and a precise focuser still has an edge
over any camera lens for pin-point, low-bloat stars across a wide field.
December 11th
2022: Zeiss SFL: Made in Japan!
avoid preconceptions, I make a point of trying not to read forum posts
or other reviews of new products before I review them myself. So I was genuinely
surprised to find Zeiss’ new SFLs are Made in Japan: something of a first
for a top-line Zeiss birding bino’. But does it matter? Maybe.
the time as I was finishing the review, I got an email from a reader whose
Canon binoculars’ armour had deteriorated and Canon wouldn’t
(couldn’t?) repair them. The owner was surprised and disappointed but
honestly and sadly I wasn’t, because I’ve struggled with repairs to
optics made outside Europe (even more so when outsourced to another company).
And in fairness, I do always point out in reviews that Canon’s IS
bino’s – much as I like them – are an electronic consumer
item, i.e. not something with an indefinite life.
misunderstand me, I love stuff made in Japan. Between Canon, Takahashi and
Vixen, a lot of my personal optics are Japanese (though not my birding
bino’s). The trouble is distance. Japan is a long way to send stuff for
repair, but outsourcing also means operational distance between the
brand and the manufacturing of its products.
and Swarovski have repair facilities on site with a huge library of spare parts
and employees dedicated to repair of their products and only their products. No
3rd party manufacturer can do that. And because they know
they’ll have to provide support long into the future, they design for
upshot is that if the armour on your Swarovskis (or Leicas) perishes out of warranty, you can get it replaced
easily, quickly and cheaply (I was quoted £40 by Leica); on your Nikons
or Canons or Fujis or Kowas maybe not so much.
I really liked the SFLs, but this is an issue I’d consider before
purchase, especially for birding bino’s that will lead a hard life. I’m
sure Zeiss have made unusual efforts to ensure they can repair the SFLs, but
the question of long-term out-of-warranty repairs is still moot IMO.
is also the question of whether you should support a European brand and
employer outsourcing its production, but that is a separate issue and a very
personal decision.
29th 2022: Why I’m Excited about the new Astro Physics 110 GTX
credit: Astro Physics inc.
don’t often visit the Astro Physics website, but recently I went looking
for an accessory for my Stowaway and stumbled across an announcement from
earlier this year – AP is releasing a completely new model, the 110 GTX.
only is this a rare event (even the most recent Stowaway is a reboot of an
existing model), but the 110 GTX is pretty much my dream scope from AP
because it’s effectively their famous Traveler (my review here) re-invented.
Traveler is one of my all-time favourites: a 4” refractor (actually
105mm) in an incredibly compact package that slips onboard and does everything
when it arrives. The 110 GTX promises more of the same, but with even better
correction, a better focuser and 5mm more aperture. Sounds exciting, right?
Let’s look in a bit more detail…
basic facts are these: the 110 GTX is a 110mm F6 triplet that’s the same
size and weight as the Traveler, despite the extra aperture and has a special
(super compact) 3.5” AP focuser. The tube and sliding dewshield are the
same style as other recent APs like the Stowaway and 130 GT. For some idea what
to expect, read my review of a recent Stowaway here.
really impresses me is that the 110 GTX is an imaging machine that’s also
designed for observers. Most small refractors these days are optimised for best
correction at shorter wavelengths for imaging. The 110 GTX is designed to
remain diffraction limited across the whole visual spectrum, from deep red to
violet – from O stars to Mars.
being AP you can be confident that everything else, from the homogeneity of the
glass to the fit and finish of the tube, will be absolutely first rate. Cost?
They haven’t announced it yet, but I’m guessing ~$5-6000 incl. case
and rings.
only problem is going to be getting one. As for my Stowaway, it’s going
to be a draw and they’ll send instructions to anyone who signed up, after
which you’ll have to act fast to enter. For reference you can read about
the Stowaway draw and order process here. You can find more info on
the 110 GTX at AP’s website here.
luck if you’re entering the draw (on second thoughts to hell with that
cos I want one!)
21st 2022: Time for Mars
Mars at
transit on opposition day.
Mars opposition time (when Mars is closest to Earth and best for astronomers) and
there’s good news and bad.
good news is that this opposition by far the most favourable of recent years in
terms of altitude for northern observers: right now, Mars transits at about
60°. This matters because you’re looking/imaging
through less wobbly atmosphere. Back in 2018, the opposition from here was at a
virtually unobservable 6°
altitude: even
if you could set your scope that low to the horizon, the thick atmosphere
between you and Mars meant the Red Planet was just an orange fuzz.
potentially interesting this year is that on opposition day, Mars will be
occulted by the Full Moon at about 04:55.
less good news is that this year’s is not a very favourable opposition in
terms of closeness and so apparent size. At the moment, Mars is 16.9”
across and will make 17.1” on opposition day. But by Christmas it will
already have shrunk to 15.6” and will be down to 11.5” a month
later. Realistically, this means only another six weeks or so to get the
best views and images. In comparison, that 2018 opposition saw Mars get up
to 25” apparent size. You can’t have it all.
Mars is the only planet where you can see surface markings, so just get out and
image/observe if you get a clear night over the Christmas holiday period (but
don’t try observing after a few drinks – I’ve dropped
eyepieces that way).
raw opposition facts for the UK are these:
Opposition Date/time: 8 December 04:26
3 pm
Midnight / 60° / 17.1” / Mag -1.9
can find some more info and tips of gear for Mars in the latest of my
‘How to’ articles here.
14th 2022: A Scope for Planets and Terrestrial?
recently had an interesting question from a reader that got me thinking and
prompted me to write this post.
planets are in the sky again and we’re headed for a Mars opposition in
early December, one that’s better placed for high-latitude observers than
recent oppositions. Perhaps that’s why the reader contacted me to ask for
a recommendation on a quality scope for terrestrial use that could work for
planets too. Hmmm…
is a difficult one. For terrestrial use and some casual astronomy, the
best terrestrial scopes can work well. I’ve had good experiences with
Zeiss Gavia and Harpia models for the Moon and
basic deep sky. Trouble is such scopes are too low powered for the planets and
their prisms can smear the light too much.
astro’ refractors are successfully used by some for terrestrial viewing,
with small Tele Vues particularly popular, perhaps because they are so rugged; but
the TV-85 is probably the only one
that might deliver convincing views of Mars. Meanwhile, the wonderful-for-planets
Tak’ FC-100DZ is just too large; but the much
more portable FC-76 does work well for planets
despite its modest aperture. A classic Vixen FL80 could work – it’s light, rugged and of very high
quality with decent aperture. A Questar Field Model could be a great choice, if its narrow
field works for your terrestrial viewing.
very best option I can think of is perhaps AP’s outstanding Stowaway 92mm, but they’re difficult to get hold of. Any
other suggestions? Let me know…
25th 2022: Simple Astronomy
had a simple meal you enjoyed more than a Michelin star? Astronomy can be like
that. There’s a lot of expensive gear on Scope Views, but the most basic
astronomy can be the most fun and spontaneous.
partial solar eclipse was a reminder. I’m away in London with nowhere to
setup a scope and camera, so for once I just projected with bino’s and
snapped away at a partially clouded Sun with my phone. It was fun! What I
should have done for the 2017 US eclipse, instead of fiddling about with
me of the 1999 Great British eclipse, which was partial in London (and mostly
clouded out for totality in Cornwall). Conditions were similar – I bunked
off work and just projected it with my bino’s between the clouds.
sound like a lifestyle guru (ugh), but sometimes best to live in the moment.
starry night can be like that too – at its best with just a dark corner
and a pair of bino’s. Enjoy your imaging rig and specialist eyepieces,
but don’t lose sight of the simple, immediate beauty of the sky.
April 24th
2022: Ethical Optics Shopping Post-invasion
Czech Meoptas and Japanese Canons – alternatives to Made in
1960s Hacker valve (tube) radio is in for a service. It was made in Maidenhead,
but not only: just about every component is British. Nowadays no radios are
made in Britain, all are made in China. This is true of most optics too. We
take this outsourcing of manufacturing as a given, but should we?
shift of optics manufacturing to China has largely happened in the eighteen
years or so I’ve been reviewing. It’s made high-performance
bino’s and telescopes available at much lower prices and forced the
high-end to innovate and compete. All good then?
is, China’s aggressive posturing on Taiwan very sadly (because I admire
Chinese culture and industry) makes them look more foe than friend now. Is our
addiction to cheap Chinese products a national security risk like our addiction
to Putin’s oil and gas, then? Some analysts are saying so.
perhaps, but personally I’ve started to look at where the goods I buy are
what’s the situation with optics? Mostly it’s just at the high-end
where it’s possible to avoid Chinese manufacture (feel free to contact me
if I omit something or get it wrong):
bino’s, Swarovski is the most straightforward – all are made in
Austria. I believe all Leicas are made in Germany or
Portugal. High end Zeiss are still German or Japanese, but the Terras are made
in China. I believe Steiner are still German made (I really must review a
end Vortex are made in Japan, ditto some Nikons and Kowas,
some Canons (?), Fujis and perhaps Minox too. Meopta are staunchly Czech of course (see above).
terms of astro’ scopes, AP and TEC are all U.S. made, whilst Tele Vue
makes its optics in Taiwan and Japan. I think Orion Optics still makes its reflectors
and catadioptrics in Crewe (UK). Some Vixen products are still made in Japan. Takahashi
are still entirely Japanese made, as are Borg to my knowledge. The proverbial
elephant in the room are LZOS lenses, which is a real blow for me as
they’ve always been among my favourites: they probably won’t be
available now since LZOS is a Russian defence contractor.
for the future, if this terrible war widens into a global conflict who knows?
Perhaps the West will have to start mass-producing its own stuff again, optics
included, but that would be hugely inflationary.
Feb 12th
2022: More Big Scopes to Look Through
just returned from another US astro’ road trip with some inspiring
big-scope viewing, so it’s on my mind. Then I received a kind email from
a reader who likes my descriptions of looking through big observatory scopes.
That’s great ‘cos it’s a become a bit of a pre-occupation for
through the biggest scopes aren’t always as amazing as you’d expect
(which can be interesting in itself), but sometimes they really are. Highlights
include: masses of structure in the Crab and Spirograph nebulae plus the moons
of Uranus through the Struve 82” at McDonald (above); Hubble-image detail
on Mars, Galileo Regio on Ganymede, Saturn’s Encke division and the
Alpine Valley Rille with the Mt Wilson 60”.
big-scope views have all been either through century-old instruments from the
golden age of visual astronomy, or through smaller (16-36”) modern RCs
bought or re-purposed as mixed-use outreach instruments. But I’ve just
discovered a third possible pool of large telescopes for observing.
the sixties, NASA funded several large long-focal-length classical Cassegrains
for lunar mapping to support Apollo. With small fields of view and slow photographic
speed, these aren’t ideal for modern astrophysics, but would make great
visual instruments.
know of one – the 61” on Mt Bigelow, part of the Steward
Observatory – which has had an eyepiece in it. Great solar system reviews
were reported. But there are others, for example the 31” NURO telescope
at Lowell’s Anderson Mesa site. Meanwhile, Lowell’s 72” Perkins
Telescope is also a long-f Classical Cassegrain and seems to be struggling for
work at a super-cheap $800/night, a sum easily exceedable
with a public observing session.
hoping that if some of these fall out of professional use, their owners will
consider converting them (at least part-time like the Struve 82”) for visual
outreach, allowing new generations of astronomers to witness with their own
eyes what they could only otherwise see in photos.
Jan 13th
2022: Is Software Eating Your Bino’s?
Stock Sony
a believer in the maxim that profound tech’ changes are overestimated
short term and underestimated long term. So when a WSJ journo’ wrote
‘Software is eating the world’ a decade ago, everyone got excited
for five minutes, concluded ‘yeah, not really’ and moved on; long
term, he was undoubtedly right though.
what about our little world of optics then? One famous reviewer was predicting
electronic (i.e. fully sensor-based) binoculars even back then and such things
do exist in the form of Sony’s DEVs. They haven’t caught on yet,
mostly because they’re still very expensive. But a couple of things
converged this week to get me thinking that’s the future, like it or not.
first was a message from a friend who’d discovered his new iPhone now did
astrophotography using automated stacking. I’ll doubtless buy one soon.
Software is inexorably eating my DSLR.
a reader emailed me to say something that’s been troubling me for a while
too. He’d loved the view through a pair of NL Pures,
but feared he’d spend big on them only to reach for his stabilised Canons
every time he actually went out to view.
You see, I’m off on another observing trip soon (fate and irony willing)
and I’ve decided to pack my Canon 12x36 IS bino’s again. You might
find this surprising, since the 12x42 NL Pures are
currently my favourite ever binocular view. But in reality, stabilisation just
reveals more, even if the view isn’t as wide, beautiful and immersive.
Last time I was able to spot the historic V-2 bunkhouse deep in the White Sands
Missile range with the 12x36s. With the NL Pures I
probably wouldn’t have.
as part of this trip I’ll re-visit Lowell Observatory (if it re-opens in
time), where one of their outreach instruments uses an integrating video camera
to give near-real-time views of DSOs that the naked eye never could.
these things together and I suspect that by 2035 most serious binocular users
will never see actual light from the thing they’re viewing. Amateur astronomers the
same. I’ll moan that this is somehow the march of Meta - RL replaced by
VR. I’ll keep a few pieces of cherished optics. But when I go out to
view, it’ll be through some combo of optics, sensors and processors. All
driven by software, of course.
Sony, please could I have a pair of DEV-50s to review ‘cos I can’t
afford them (yet).
Dec 18th
2021: Can you see Venus’ Crescent tonight?
you see Uranus?” is a popular question when I’m astronomising
publicly, but a more interesting question is “Can you see Venus?”
obviously you say. But what I mean is can you see its phase? With
your naked eyes? I’d read that it’s possible, but never
convinced myself.
yesterday, on a cold but very clear night testing some scopes at the top of our
local fell, we were looking at Venus setting into the orange sunset over the
sea and my wife suddenly announced that she could see the crescent.
I squinted and strained and... no, not really. Well, maybe.
got me wondering, how many people can do this (my wife does have excellent
vision)? The thing is that now, when Venus is close and large (52” as I
write) and a thin crescent, is the ideal time (see above for its simulated
phase for tonight).
give it a try! It’s a great example of how you can have a lot of fun
doing astronomy with no gear at all. You’ll find Venus as the brightest
star by far, low in the west just after sunset.
If you can (or if you can’t) make out the crescent with your naked
eyes, please let me know. If I can get enough responses, I’ll publish the
27th 2021: More of this please!
is the first blog post I’ve made in six months. That’s not because
I lost interest or had nothing to say. I’ve just struggled to find any
free time at all over summer and early autumn. Really? Really. You see,
2021 has been the busiest and most stressful year I can recall. Full-on
doesn’t even touch it.
recently the culprit has been a tentative return to education, or so I
supposed. It’s something I’ve wanted to do for years and to make up
for lost time I threw myself in at the deep end. It’s been rewarding
certainly, but hugely time consuming.
the course hasn’t been my main problem this year. To say I’ve sold
one home and bought two others doesn’t begin to account for a hell of
multiple moves and the aftermath of endless paperwork, DIY and decorating. And
all that following a short but “interesting” period of homelessness
in hotels with no astronomy at all.
has this to do with ScopeViews? Everything really,
because that’s what precipitated it all.
planets in recent years compounded the problem of living in a valley with high
horizons. Meanwhile the trees in the woodland to the south had grown taller ...
and taller. So my permanent set-up just wasn’t getting as much use as it
had. Free time had already become a problem too: maintaining my ageing house
and large, high-maintenance garden were swallowing much too much of it:
“I don’t want to repair the damned terrace, I want to go watch an
eclipse from the Atacama!”
I had a bit of an epiphany.
lockdown I had been doing quite a lot of travel to dark sky sites and
observatories, mainly in the US. It had made me realise just how poor my seeing
often was: quite dark but often too turbulent for high magnifications. Then
there was the weather. Britain is famous for rain anyway, but up here it can
rain for weeks. Finally, living so far north means no truly dark skies at all
in late spring and early summer.
on the last trip to the US I enjoyed night after night of clear, dark and
steady skies, with incredible birding and nature viewing by day. I wanted more
of that, a lot more.
I made the (very) tough decision to let my permanent setup go – at least
for now - and return to peripatetic astronomy, with more time and opportunity
to travel - to great skies yes, but for birding and nature viewing too.
will this affect ScopeViews? More astronomy travel, I
hope - to dark sky sites and observatories; eclipses too. More reviews of
smaller, more portable gear, including an AP Stowaway at last! More viewing
through the remaining big visual instruments from the Edwardian golden age of
visual astronomy. More reviews of binoculars from the very best and most
challenging locations.
times ahead, fates willing of course.
April 29th
2021: Elon Musk is an alien, ‘obv’
– and this week proves it
love Elon because IMO he’s the only hope for humans on Mars in my
lifetime. Many people hate him, though, and one reason is that he refuses to
behave. Specifically, he refuses to play the part of august and serious CEO and
VIP. And in that refusal, he subverts and devalues those things. Elon can be
downright childish and un-PC; worse, he’s not remotely sorry.
week was a perfect example. Someone, no one like the rest of us, tweeted to ask
if he’s alien. Elon tweeted back, ‘obv’.
But oftentimes, when serious journo’s ask serious questions about his
giant business empire, he doesn’t even bother to respond. Aaaaarrrrrgh!
in a way, that ‘obv’ was true. Because in
a way Elon really is an alien and this week’s events prove it. Because
whilst most of us slow down as we age, Elon is accelerating at full plaid.
was the fifth anniversary of SpaceX’s first successful booster landing on
a barge; since then, they’ve done it 56 times and counting. This year all
their launches have been on a used rocket. Nine days ago, Starship SN11
exploded in mid-air; yesterday SN15 was already on the pad. Two days ago, the
latest batch of Starlink launched and Shotwell announced near global coverage;
eighteen months ago, ‘experts’ said Starlink was a fantasy.
that’s just a week at one arm of ‘Musk Industries’ (think
giant dystopian pyramid and Vangelis at the opening of Bladerunner and hold
that thought).
Neuralink released a video of a chunky monkey playing
a video game with its mind, whilst mainlining banana smoothy in a virtual
forest. Last summer the naysayers were all ‘Neuralink
is BS’, but today’s casual Elon-tweets suggest life-changing
innovations coming fast for the severely disabled.
in ‘Vegas, meanwhile, the Boring Company has today announced completion
of its first cheap underground rapid transit for the cost of a small bus fleet.
Yes, for now it’s basically Teslas in tunnels,
but autonomous shuttle buses will surely follow. I bought my Boring Company cap
back when it was an Elon joke.
that’s not to mention ‘ex-growth-company’ Tesla posting 103%
y-on-y for Q1. But that was ages ago, right? Six days, actually.
do you feel about this warp-speed innovation? I love it, obv.
But it really, really winds some people up. Yesterday, a
Tesla-enthusiast tech’ journalist called Joanna Crider was goaded on
Twitter to kill herself by an ex-VW marketing exec.
could so much love, fear, loathing, expectation and anticipation, bile and
hatred and yes sheer progress, derive from the humungous dreams of one bullied
South African schoolboy? Is it because Elon really is an alien? Obv.
March 24th 2021: No Bernie, Space Travel isn’t just an
‘exciting idea’
couple of my areas of interest collided this week. The first was an eruption in
Iceland, not far from Grindavik in a beautiful if
desolate part of the Reykjanes Peninsular that I’ve visited. Volcanoes
are a lifelong fascination for me and I wrote a book about them. If not for
lock-down I’d have been on a plane to Iceland by now. But it also
reminded me how unpredictable eruptions remain, despite improved monitoring
predictability problem isn’t really an issue for eruptions like the
current one: modest, gentle effusions of liquid lava like this are the least
dangerous kind and are classified as VEI 0 or ‘Hawaiian’ –
the first rung of the logarithmic Volcanic Explosivity Index.
biggest risk is from eruptions at the other end of the scale. The very largest
have a VEI of 8 and are termed Ultra-Plinian (Pliny was a classical author who
witnessed an eruption of Vesuvius). There hasn’t been a VEI 8 eruption
for some 27,000 years, but there are a number of volcanic centres that could
potentially produce one and we might not get a huge amount of warning; even if
we did, there isn’t that much we could do.
see, the problem with a VEI 8 eruption is that it would have global climatic
effects, possibly catastrophic ones for human civilisation. It’s an
example of an existential risk that couldn’t be mitigated with known
technology. There are others, many astronomical in nature, including such
diverse threats as a rogue comet or extra-solar asteroid; perhaps even a freak
solar flare.
there are various human risks, such as technology accidents. Such accidents
have been mooted as a chilling explanation for the Fermi Paradox. A leading
expert in existential risk, Nick Bostrom, put it this way:
“It is
not farfetched to suppose that there might be some possible technology which is
such that (a) virtually all sufficiently advanced civilizations eventually
discover it and (b) its discovery leads almost universally to existential
I’ve written in a previous blog post, the overall existential risk we
face is surprisingly large, maybe 20% over the next century. Most of the
component risks that can’t be mitigated by any other means can be by just
one – Elon’s goal of becoming multi-planetary. And just like any
insurance policy, it’s too late to buy once the actual risk hoves into view, we have to get started now.
that’s why I was triggered by Bernie Sanders’ recent tweet that
space travel is just an ‘exciting idea’. No, Bernie, it really
isn’t. And that belief – that the money is better spent on social
programs and other (genuinely worthy) causes here on Earth - is one that gets
trotted out a lot by the Left. It also happens to be dead wrong, thanks to the
uncomfortable reality of existential risk.
I tweeted back, social equality isn’t much use if we’re extinct.
Unexpected Big Nature events, like Iceland’s eruption, should remind us
that our world isn’t quite the safe haven we’d like to think.
Politicians, left or right, should heed the warning; maybe the one from the
pandemic too: civilisation and even human existence is surprisingly fragile and
we shouldn’t have all our proverbial eggs in one planetary basket.
Sunday 21st
March 2021: National Park Clear-cut on UN Forest Day
a local beauty spot that I use(d) a lot for testing optics: full of wildlife
and birds at close range, it’s got wonderful long-distance views too.
You’ll see the place in my reviews, a mix of wooded crags and forest
paths clustered around a reservoir. Except last Friday they clear-cut it.
Today, two days later, it’s the UN’s International Day of Forests.
extraordinary thing is that the devasted landscape you see above lies deep
inside the Lake District National Park, a designated Area of Outstanding
Natural Beauty and a World Heritage Site, famous home of Romantic poet William
you’d think that when they need to take timber out of a national park,
they’d use sensitive selective methods, but no. They got in this machine
from John Deare that does just amazing damage – rips up the soil and
under-storey down to a metre across the whole site and leaves it strewn with
smashed wood and stumps like the army tested tanks on it.
suspect that Federal authorities would never permit this in a US NP, so why
does it happen here? Jobs? I’d guess a man week per year, tops. Money? If
the whole area yields as much gross profit as a local B&B I’d be
surprised. Carbon sink when it re-grows, maybe? From the volume of smashed
timber left to rot and the soil damage, I doubt it.
is, however, typical of the UK’s two-faced attitude to the environment.
This is the same county (Cumbria) where up until last week they were planning
to open a new coal mine. What’s the point of UN Forest Days and Davos
summits if nothing changes on the ground?
all the birds and deer I once came to view have departed to leave a wasteland.
But if a local resident wants to change the colour of their front door,
they’ll need planning permission.
Monday 1st
March 2021: I Saw Starlink Last Night and it Wasn’t Good
a fan of SpaceX, especially their plans to colonise Mars. People think
it’s crazy, it’s not. Experts like Nick Bostrom think the risk of
human extinction this century might be as high as 20%. Elon is right: to
mitigate that risk, we have to expand off-world.
is a big part of those multi-planetary plans. Launch services just won’t
fund Elon’s Mars ambitions. And for me Starlink has personal meaning too.
I live in the countryside and our internet is terrible. I was without any
connectivity for three months last year and wasted countless days battling
Vodafone. It’s still almost never good enough for streaming radio,
never mind Netflix. I need Starlink. So I’ve hesitated to join all
the criticism.
actually haven’t seen Starlink myself since a year ago when I took
the photo above. Then last Sunday night I did, quite by accident.
was testing some Zeiss binoculars in the dark-sky hour before Moon rise, at
about 6:30 p.m. My view was the region of Auriga around the open clusters M36
and M38 (the Pinwheel and Starfish). A satellite shot through from west to
east, then another and another: a continuous stream of them seconds apart. This
went on... and on: Starlink.
interesting thing is that those Starlink satellites all followed closely on the
same path, right past bright star Phi Aurigae, so I was able to compare their
brightness. And it isn’t good news. By now, the sunshade and black paint
mitigation efforts have presumably been implemented. But those satellites were
still much brighter than I’d like. In terms of magnitude, Starlink
can’t have been fainter than about 6-7, possibly even 5-6. And there
really were a lot of them.
for a binocular astronomer, Starlink was distracting. If I’d been taking
subs, they would have been useless. Was I unlucky to catch the Starlink train
lower than their target altitude? Maybe. But it’s starting to look like
Starlink – great news for people struggling without decent internet
access – really is bad news for astronomy.
here’s the thing. From the press hate you’d think constellations
like Starlink are a plague sent by Elon. They aren’t. Other companies,
including Amazon and One Web aren’t far behind. And as a professional
astronomer recently pointed out – at least Starlink are listening and
trying to mitigate. Will Amazon be as responsive?
worried ...
Sat 20th
Feb 2021: Is a Flying Tesla just ‘more Elon BS’?
press has a short memory, so when it picked up a few Elon tweets about a flying
Tesla this week it acted like this is more capricious fantasy and BS from their
love-to-hate billionaire, dreamed up over a late-night joint. In fact, Elon
first mooted a SpaceX version of the upcoming Tesla Roadster over two years
ago. I know this for sure because Scope Views has had an article about it since
Jan 2019.
the latest round of sneer-and-smear, various journo’s have waded in with
their opinions on how impossible a flying Tesla is. Significantly, though, I
have yet to find much analysis of the actual physics or engineering:
‘cos, you know, that degree in Media Studies makes you far more expert on
rocketry then all those SpaceX engineers with PhDs from MIT, right?
no, actually. As a physics and engineering problem, the question of whether
SpaceX technology could allow a Roadster to lift off, hover at a few metres
above ground, then drift across a car park, is easily analysed. I’ve
updated my original article with some new figures provided by Musk and
it’s clear – like it or not, a hovering Roadster is entirely
feasible from a physics and engineering standpoint. Don’t approve?
That’s a different issue ...
can read my updated piece on the physics here (BTW, I’m not a rocket
scientist either. If you are, then feedback most welcome!):
January 2021: Is Wide the New Normal?
I’m not writing about the obesity crisis (although I did put on a few
pounds over Christmas). Instead, I want to ask myself (and you too) if
we’re so used to wide fields of view that it’s near impossible to
go back.
shopping for a pair of 7x42s as my regular walking/birding glass to replace the
Zeiss Victorys I regret selling. I was tempted by a
pair of Swarovski Habichts. I tested the 10x40s a
while back and liked them, but the 7x42s are even simpler, even more pared to
the minimum - something that suits my lockdown mood.
like the Habichts’ retro’ style and low
price (for a Swaro’). I appreciate the fact
that I could get them serviced locally if necessary. I really like the idea of
a pair of bino’s with only five lenses between eye and view (yes, really
– they have a basic doublet objective and a three-element Kellner
eyepiece), that have unrivalled transmissivity and very low weight as the
Habichts’ do have a big downside, though - a
very narrow field by modern standards, just 46° apparent. That means their true FOV is the same as
the 12x42 NL Pures. I’ve tried to convey this
in the title image by showing it on the FOV of the 8x42 NL Pures:
you really do lose a huge area of view. Still, I’d been convincing myself
it’d be fine. After all, that’s how FOVs were when I started
observing. Then something happened to change my mind, when I was out testing a
new scope last night.
schizoid opposition to my own advice, I do prefer simpler eyepieces for
monocular planetary viewing with the best telescopes. In particular, I favour
the TMB Monocentric which has just two air-glass surfaces (it’s a
cemented triplet). The difference is marginal, but I think I can perceive it
– a very slightly sharper, more contrasty and richly coloured image of
Mars for example. However, the Monocentric has a narrow field of view as the
price for its outstanding on-axis performance, rather like those Swarovski Habichts in fact.
I only ever use the Mono’s for planets, where field of view isn’t
even really noticeable, let alone important. But on this occasion, I swung the
scope from Mars over to the nearby Moon without bothering to swap eyepieces.
And oh dear. I habitually view the Moon with an 80° Nagler or a 100° Ethos because I love the
porthole, lunar-module-window, view. But that narrow FOV just ruined it. Sorry
to sound like a TeleVue ad’, but gone was the
majesty and awe, absent the sense of being Michael Collins alone with the
Moon’s rugged primordial grandeur. Now I was looking at a picture in my
lunar atlas through a straw.
for the Moon at least, I’ve been spoiled. I can’t go back to the
narrow Huygens eyepieces of my childhood Tasco. But what about bino’s? No
coincidence, I suspect, that most of my favourites recently have had wider
fields. The Meopta 7x50s were an exception, but there
it was the hugely comfortable eye relief I loved, something those simple
Habicht Kellners don’t have either.
could I live with a 46° FOV in return for light
weight and a super-bright view? We’ll see, as the Zen Dojo said, but
I’m not optimistic.
January 2021: Dreaming of another Astro Road Trip
January just isn’t a great time of year, any year, never mind a pandemic.
But for 2021 we can add Covid uncertainty and lockdown fatigue to Divorce Day
and Blue Monday. This time last year I decided to do something about it, moving
my planned big road trip from the usual spring/summer into winter. It was a bit
of a leap into the unknown. I’ve driven maybe 50K miles in the US over so
many road trips I’ve literally lost count. But I’ve never done one
in the snow and freezing temperatures of a Rocky Mountain February. We Brits
aren’t really used to driving in the snow. How do you fit chains,
anyway (don’t laugh)?
certainly threw up a few moments. Snowshoeing and wildlife viewing in the
Yellowstone backcountry at minus twenty, I found myself going all drowsy and
just made it back to the car. I discovered the hard way that tap water plus
motel shampoo just ain’t gonna
cut it as winter screen wash. My first car’s engine warning light came on
in a blizzard south of Billings Montana and I prayed all the way to the airport
Hertz desk. Driving the loneliest road, in pitch darkness and even thicker snow
west of Cimarron NM, a herd of deer leapt into my lane. By the time I reached
Raton that night the snow was so thick I was the only car on the interstate.
Still, I had the best time, from the moment I opened the curtains of my Denver
airport motel onto snowy prairie and a rising Moon.
trails and birding at Rocky Mountain Arsenal NWR. Incredible big telescope,
dark sky views at Lowell, Kitt Peak and McDonald. I found the Project Paperclip
V2 blockhouse deep in the White Sands Missile Range with my Canon bino’s
and got chased away from the Blue Origin ranch near Van Horn. It was all
spooky-no-Mulder on a weird late night visit to the Marfa Lights viewing area;
lonely landscape astrophotography from an isolated lookout in Arches NP proved
a bit creepy too. I was disappointed not to get a look through the 20”
Clark at Denver’s Chamberlin Observatory, but I’ll never forget the
atmosphere on the observing floor with heavy snow whispering into the pines
beyond the windows. Nothin’ finer than gazing
at an icy Moon through a motel window with a cold bottle of Blue Moon in one
hand, a pack of hot Tapatio Doritos in the other.
my worries and too much on-piste driving, maybe my
favourite road trip ever. So much so, I’d planned to repeat it this
winter, with a coast-to-coast trip stopping off at more observatories, more
landscape astro’ in the red rock deserts of Utah and Arizona; maybe see
how things are progressing at SpaceX Boca Chica and Spaceport America. Nothing
doing though. Locked down again and all the observatories’ public viewing
programs shut down.
here I am, looking at the photos, reminiscing and dreaming when I’ve got
a backlog of binoculars to review.
December 2020: How To See The Jupiter Saturn Conjunction
most likely have read about this, so I’ll be brief with the intro’.
This Monday (21st) will see an unusually close conjunction of
Jupiter and Saturn. Planetary conjunctions are fairly common, but ones close
enough that they look like a single star are not – this will be the first
for centuries. It’s particularly timely, too, because a few days before
Christmas it brings to mind the Star of Bethlehem, one theory for which is a
close conjunction just like this one.
how to see it? This is a bit tricky, because in northern latitudes Jupiter and
Saturn are low in the south west just after sunset. From London, the pair will
be at just 17° altitude at 1500, dropping
to 14° at 1600. From more northerly areas it will appear
even lower. So for most places in northern Europe, you’ll need a
viewing spot with a clear southern horizon. Realistically for me and many this
will mean up a hill!
You need to be in position and set up (if
you’re using a scope and/or camera) by about 1530 GMT. The best views
will likely be between 1550 (sunset) and 1650. For the most spectacular view in
a dark sky, you might get lucky between 1700 and 1800, but it will be very low
by then (just a few degrees above the horizon).
images above simulate the view at 1530 from London. The blue circle represents
a 1° field of view for reference – roughly what
you’d get in a small refractor at about 80x magnification.
you don’t have a scope (or can’t be bothered lugging one up a
hill), bino’s should split the pair, whilst the naked eye view should be
a very bright single star.
you can see, Monday and Tuesday are almost equally good, but the pairing
diverges rapidly from Wenesday. Still, Christmas Eve
(Thurs) currently looks good for weather and still well worth the effort. If
you’re locked down for Covid, make it part of your exercise walk! Good
December 2020: Chang’e-5 – Yes, but where the heck is Mons Rümker?
has been getting most of the space news lately, as usual. But one of the most
exciting missions of late 2020 is actually China’s Chang’e-5 to
return a core sample from the Moon. If successful it will be the first time
we’ve had a fresh lunar sample to study since the USSR’s Luna 24
mission in August 1976.
a complicated mission, involving a two part lander that looks and works a lot
like the Apollo Lunar Module. That Chang’e-5 lander has successfully
touched down and is preparing to launch its sample back into orbit and from
there (hopefully) to a landing back on Earth in the Mongolian steppes.
if you’ve been following the coverage, you may have found yourself
asking, ‘touched down where exactly’? The answer is a
‘unique complex of volcanic lunar domes’ (the largest such on the
Moon) called Mons Rümker, but where the heck
is that?
be forgiven for not knowing, because Mons Rümker is an important
formation, but not a very easy one to find – binoculars certainly
won’t show it and casually observing with a telescope you’re
unlikely to stumble across it either. Mons Rümker is located in the far
north west, in Sinus Roris, just off the limb of the
Moon’s visible face, to the west of the famous Bay of Rainbows (Sinus
marked the location on a photo from my own library of lunar phases, taken on
the 13th day of a lunation – the best time to find Mons Rümker. If you want to try to find the place where
Chang’e-5 landed for yourself, the best days of the lunation are probably
between the 12th and 14th days of a lunar cycle. The
domes of Mons Rümker are low and rounded and
show up best when they’re near the terminator (the Moon’s day/night
dividing line), when the long shadows bring them into sharper relief. Your
next such opportunity (and last this year) will be from the 28th-30th
of this month. Try it!
November 2020: Impossible Tech
(The NYT has form here
– a few decades later they said rockets wouldn’t work in space).
I just reviewed
Swarovski’s new NL Pure binoculars. They achieved something I thought was
impossible – a 70° flat field in a
birding bino’. This week, SpaceX launched and landed an orbital booster
for the seventh time; lots of people said that was impossible too. Meanwhile,
the MSM churn out pieces saying self driving cars are
impossible, but I watch a guy called Joel Johnson taking spooky long night
drives completely alone as a matter of routine (Joel’s taken over sixty
now, check this video out, you’ll be amazed):
So what’s going on? Of course,
some pundits just don’t know what they’re talking about (looking at
you Rory), but there’s something more profound at work. To understand it
we need to go back almost fifty years.
In 1973 the eminent Cambridge
mathematician James Lighthill published what became known as The Lighthill
Report. In it, Lighthill basically trashed the entire nascent field of A.I. He
later presented a televised lecture covering similar topics. Lighthill based
his arguments on sound maths – he cited the ‘combinatorial
explosion’ inherent in non-trivial A.I. tasks like facial recognition and
natural language processing, even playing masterly chess, as the reason none of
those things were feasible. Trouble is, fifty years later my phone does those
things with free apps. What happened?
Lighthill was certainly an
‘expert’, he held the Mathematics chair at Cambridge later occupied
by Stephen Hawking. His reasoning was sound too, given the technology of the
time. But right there’s the problem.
Saying ‘faster than light travel
is impossible’ is based on a set of equations, a complete physics of the
problem. It could be wrong, but if so the fundamental physics must be wrong in
some way. To claim that facial recognition is impossible ignores numerous
assumptions not about physics but about technology. In
mathematical terms, there are too many variables in the equations, with assumed
values that may be very wrong. When Lighthill refers to a ‘very large
computer’ he means something orders of magnitude less powerful than the
one in my toaster. Tellingly, Lighthill refers to ‘specialised neural
networks of extreme complexity which there is no question of imitating’.
It’s that ‘no question ...’ clause which betrayed him.
I actually think something else was at
work here too – emotion. I think James Lighthill was a brilliant
intellect and took pride in being one. He refers to the ‘uniqueness of
Man’. I think he hated the idea that a machine might be superior at
things he held dear as part of his intellectual pride, playing chess perhaps. I
think you can see this in his lecture – Lighthill may have been
brilliant, but his rambling, populist rhetoric employs cheap sophistry,
including ‘argument by bombast‘ – a sure sign of a shaky
argument since 400 BCE. Lighthill sneers in his cut glass English, the audience
giggles; fate loves irony.
So next time you read a headline saying
some tech’ is impossible, remember James Lighthill.
November 2020: Seventy Degrees - SW NL Pure and TV Panoptic
exactly a decade ago, I published an open letter to the Alpha bino’
makers, challenging them to deliver the following:
· No visible
in-focus CA
· An
apparent field of 70° or more
· A field
which is sharp, flat, bright and coma-free to the edge
· Eye relief
of at least 16 mm
· Minimal
blackouts (spherical aberration of the exit pupil in technical terms)
· A focuser
as smooth, fast and accurate as Nikon’s HG range
· All the
usual features, such as waterproofing, twist-up eyecups, etc
I’d become fed up with reviewing
astro’ telescopes systems that performed on a different level to my binoculars.
Not long after, Swarovski launched the Swarovision ELs which featured most of these things, except
for the field of view. What we got was 60° - an improvement of just a few
degrees on the best flat field models like Nikon’s SEs.
Now 60° is pretty yawn in the world
of astronomical eyepieces, the entry level for Tele Vue’s range. Back
then they’d just launched the Ethos with 100°, although even I
admitted they’d struggle fitting two of those optical grenades in a pair
of ELs. Still, a quick play with Tele Vue’s eyepiece calculator suggested
a ~70° field from a binocular-spec telescope should be possible with
another venerable eyepiece design, the 68° Panoptic. Specifically, a 19mm
Panoptic (see above) would give about the right numbers with a 42mm objective
of ~F3.5 and crucially it wouldn’t be too large for a bino’ barrel.
So I waited, expectantly, hopefully,
for a 70° EL based on a Panoptic-like eyepiece design. And I waited ... and
Eventually, we got the Zeiss SF with a
few degrees more than the EL, but still not 70° and not really as flat as
I’d like for astronomy either. Leica’s Noctivid
was no better. I am no optics designer and I started to assume I’d missed
something, maybe prism vignetting or something, that meant it just wasn’t
possible. Then last year, Nikon’s WXs seemed to confirm it. Here was a
10x50 with 70°, but it was gigantic! Maybe my dream of a truly wide field
birding bino’ just wasn’t optically possible.
Funny how things often happen right
after you’ve finally given up. Because a few weeks ago, Swarovski
launched the NL Pure as a successor to the EL as a top-of-the-range birding
binocular. And here in the NL Pure at last was a 70° field, even (almost)
in the 8x model to give a whopping 9.1° true field – the maximum of
any current binocular that I know of. And by the way, the NL Pure finally fully
ticks all of my original boxes too ... just a decade late. Something
good finally came out of 2020.
November 2020: SpaceX Pad Problems
Flame Trench
below Pad 39A, with Falcon Heavy above it, taken by me in 2019.
pads 38 and 39A at the KSC up close last year made me realise what massive
structures they really are. And no wonder. Launch pads take one hell of a
battering. When SpaceX took over
historic Apollo Pad 39A at Cape Canaveral, from which Crew-1 launched on Sunday,
they did lots of work to the service structure and built the futuristic new
crew access arm. Less publicised was the work it had needed underneath. The
giant flame trench (see photo above) and deflector had suffered damage and
erosion since the Apollo years and lots of refractory bricks had to be renewed.
given all the new technology in Starship, it now seems it wasn’t the
rocket or its Raptor engines that caused the spectacular failure during a
static fire in Texas a few days before Crew-1, but a much more mundane
technology – the refractory coating half a continent away at the Boca
Chica launch pad.
case you missed the event, the static fire – always a spectacular flame
fest – threw up unexpected sprays of huge sparks. Afterwards, molten
metal was seen dripping from an engine and later a one-use valve on the nose
burst to relieve pressure that had been building since the static fire. Many
assumed some engine problem and one of the Raptors was indeed replaced the next
Elon finally tweeted the surprising root cause of all the trouble: not a Raptor
failure per se, but the coating of Martyte on the
pad, which had smashed into ‘blade-like’ shards that flew up into
the engine bay and severed an avionics cable (Martyte
is a proprietary name for some kind of ceramic coating intended to protect the
concrete). Perhaps we shouldn't be surprised. Those loose Pad 39A bricks are
said to have reached 680 mph during a final Shuttle Launch.
of avionics then led to all sorts of trouble. First, one of the Raptors
suffered a bad shutdown: presumably the complex full-flow Raptor engine needs a
specific sequence of shutdown events, perhaps to prevent a pre-burner meltdown,
hence the dripping metal. But even that wasn’t the end of it. Next, the
severed cable prevented valves from opening to allow a normal detank. Pressure built up in one of the header tanks and
would have ‘popped the cork’ (per Elon), had it not been for a
burst-disc emergency valve which did its job.
has announced that in future avionics cables will be run in metal pipes to
protect them and that they will water-cool the pad (instead of the Martyte?) But the ultimate moral of all this may be that
SpaceX is pushing its luck with the simple pad design it’s been using at
Boca Chica – just a support of girders above flat concrete, with no flame
deflector or trench. Past static fires and launches with a single Raptor have
caused problems, presumably hence the Martyte. But
given this latest failure and likely protracted exposure to the blast from
three Raptors (with close to the combined thrust of a Falcon 9) during the next
launch, it may be that SpaceX will have to start using the massive pad, under
construction nearby for the heavy booster, sooner rather than later.
November 2020: As Crew-1 nears launch, press FUD is at Max-Q
I typed SpaceX into Google this morning, I was hoping for news on the upcoming
Crew-1 mission, the static fire tests at Boca Chica. What I got first was this
hate piece on Elon from the Daily Mail. It’s far from unique. SpaceX
‘fanbois’ like me call this
‘FUD’ for the fear, uncertainty and doubt it seeks to spread about
Musk and his ventures. Whenever there’s a big SpaceX event coming up and
there’s no launch failure to concern troll or disaffected employee to
interview, it’s back to the old standby of smearing Elon.
you think that hit piece from the DM is as low as the gutter press can go,
think again. Far deeper in the journalistic sewer was a recent article about
Musk in Vanity Fair, that called him a vainglorious psychopath and ended by
mocking him for purported mental health issues. If you really believed Elon was
mentally ill, would you troll him for it? For clicks? Vainglorious psychopath
right back atcha. Then there was a third rate tech
blog which ran with ‘Elon Musk is kind of a Dick’. I could go on.
It’s journalism at its ugliest.
admittedly, these outlets aren’t exactly the pinnacle of journalism, even
for someone whose greatest literary achievement is their own Wikipedia
bio’. Still, that level of hatred begs the simple question,
of the hate, especially from members of certain Twitter groups, derives from
bitterness over short-selling losses on Tesla. Other hangers on to the same
groups are conspiracy theorists who convince each other it’s all some
kind of gigantic fraud which they have a mission to out. But tellingly, when
Tesla competitor Nikola’s CEO resigned last month under allegations of
actual systemic fraud (and sexual misconduct too), the press response was,
group are all men in their thirties. The Vanity Fair guy is one of them.
It’s a Freudian thing with them. It’s a difficult age for guys
– marriage, kids, career angst. And Musk – with his big rocket and
billions and beautiful women – just makes them feel inadequate and under
endowed. The result is as feral as a ram in rutting season spotting another
with lower hanging opportunities.
truth, more worrying are the ‘serious’ journalists that
relentlessly attack Musk and his companies as their day job. Some if not all of
these are being paid to do it, some with the collusion of editors, some not.
Who’s paying? Hedge funds with big short positions are the prime culprit.
Next are disrupted industries – at least one smear piece was traced back
to Boeing (no surprise). I wonder about Russia. The chief of Roscosmos, Dmitry Rozogin, is known to loathe Musk. Meanwhile, one of the
most prominent anti-Tesla Journos has a Russian surname.
to the top of Elon’s Twitter feed was the same tweet for weeks. It read
simply, ‘We must pass the great filter’. This refers to the Fermi
Paradox and the idea that some kind of filter sifts out civilisations before
they can become spacefaring. It is the primary motivation for SpaceX. Mad? Not
at all. Given that the risk of human extinction in the next century is
estimated at ~20%, the number of lives at stake - the billions alive now and
the countless potential trillions unborn - is incomprehensibly immense. For
this reason, reducing that risk, even by a tiny amount, equates to millions
saved. Conversely, increasing it, even by a tiny amount, is like annihilating a
in that context, and given SpaceX’s mission to reduce existential risk by
making us multi-planetary, all the sneering FUD doesn’t seem like such
innocent bully-boy fun. I guess few if any SpaceX-smearing journos –
uneducated in science as most sadly are - look in the mirror and see a
perpetrator of crimes against humanity. But maybe they should.
October 2020 - Full Moon Halloween
Halloween again, but what is Halloween anyway? Halloween is short for
Hallowe’en – All Hallows’ Eve. In this case,
‘hallow’ is old English for saint: Nov 1st is the Christian feast
of All Saints Day and has been for over a thousand years. The spooky bit comes
in because it’s also the start of the season when Christians remember the
dead, including the now-famous ‘Day of the Dead’ celebrations in
why am I writing about Halloween? Turns out this year’s Halloween will be
a bit special (and not only because of Covid). In an event described as
‘once per generation’, Halloween coincides with full moon tonight
(and indeed the next Halloween full moon won’t be until 2039).
are said to transform at full moon (Potter fans will remember what happened to
Remus Lupin), so I guess a Halloween full moon has an extra spooky feel. And
for rural kids not in lockdown it’ll give a welcome flood of silvery
light for that trick-or-treat trip down the dark and rutted track to the local
haunted house ...
full moon really isn’t a great time for astronomers – its light
floods the sky and blots out all but the brightest stars and pretty much all
deep sky objects, for both observers and imagers. It isn’t even a good
time to observe the moon itself, because no shadows mean a flattened landscape
without the usual drama of mountains, craters and rilles to explore.
still worth taking a look at the full moon, though, with the brilliant rays
arcing across its face and all the dark maria on view. Trouble is, the full
moon is blindingly bright in almost any telescope or even larger binos. One way to view it is with a filter of some kind.
Moon filters once shipped with every scope, but they’re a bit of a rarity
these days, though ‘neutral density’ or ‘polarising’
filters do much the same thing.
great way I’ve discovered to enjoy the full moon is through a (preferably
good quality) pair of miniature binoculars, typically 8x20 or 10x25. The small
aperture makes the view much less blinding and helps you pick out all the main
features. If you’ve got a pair, try it!
there is something astronomers can still enjoy at full moon – planets.
And right now, that pretty much means Mars. Easy to find tonight, it’s
the bright orange (not red!) star to the right of the full Moon.
is about as close and large as it will be for many years, so it’s a great
time to view. Even binos will show that it
isn’t a star and the smallest telescope should show some vague dark
markings on the surface and perhaps the tiny bright south polar cap.
What’s more, from mid evening the most prominent and famous of
Mars’ dark markings will be on display – the triangular region
called Syrtis Major.
but not least, if it turns out clear tonight and you don’t do anything
else, get out into some dark countryside and experience just how brightly the
full moon lights up field and lane and copse. If you’ve never experienced
this, I guarantee a surprise, one given some extra spookiness by Halloween. And
if you should hear a hideous screech, it’s probably not a werewolf, just
the local (female) Tawny owl, or maybe a roosting pheasant ... probably.
January 2020 – I say XD, you say HD, let’s call the whole thing
in the mists of time, my favourite binoculars were Nikon’s HG range for
their meltingly beautiful and immersive view, their super-twirly focuser. But
the HGs had an Achilles’ heel. The goddess must have neglected to dip one
of their lens elements in the Styx because they had too much false colour.
came the ‘HD’ revolution. Technological progress meant high
fluoride special-dispersion glass became cheaper and easier to polish.
Binoculars started having objectives with it to follow the trend started
(arguably) by Takahashi in consumer telescopes thirty years before.
is though, Takahashi were typically thorough with their branding. Their
original triplets without ED glass were labelled ‘Semi Apochromat’,
fluorite doublets ‘Apochromat’, ED triplets ‘Super Apochromat
and finally double-ED triplets ‘Ortho Apochromat’. I mention this
because I do wish bino’ makers would be similarly consistent.
recently reviewed a pair of ‘HD’ binoculars with significantly more
false colour than another makers’ non-HD. Kowa labelled their double-EDs
‘XD’, but Zeiss called theirs ‘HT’; meanwhile
Swarovski’s 56mm SLCs with similarly low false colour were still just
‘HD’. I am just finishing a review of some ‘UHDs’ which
actually have too much chromatic aberration, at the same time as some
‘HDs’ which have almost none.
situation is confusing for customers. Just as one binocular’s 15mm of eye
relief will be another’s 18mm, so one binoculars ‘HD’ will be
another’s ‘XD’. The only way to find out how much false
colour you’ll get in advance is go into a shop and point them at a light
(I immediately split Zeiss’ Conquest HDs and Leica’s Trinovid HDs this way). Or read my reviews!
January 2020 – Elon Musk photobombed my New Year!
first properly clear sky in weeks saw me braving the New Year’s Eve frost
yesterday evening to take some long-exposure photos of the dusk sky with my new
Samyang 20mm f1.8 lens. It was a beautiful evening, with a crescent Moon and
Venus setting into a pale blue twilight. And that was the point – my last
Samyang lens went back because it produced terrible flare on Venus and I wanted
to be sure this one didn’t do the same.
there I was, in our darkening lane, hoping no drunk drivers came along and
working around the local Christmas lights, taking frame after frame of test
shots. Only when I downloaded them this morning did I notice a series of
punctuated trails following each other across the sky at about 5:30 p.m.
Immediately suspected I’d inadvertently captured SpaceX’s train of
100+ Starlink internet satellites, which have garnered a lot of negative press
recently for ‘spoiling’ the night sky and interfering with
astronomy. A quick check online confirmed it.
I’d been planning a blog post about Starlink for a while. Now I’m
not sure what to think about it.
the one hand, I hadn’t spotted the satellites with my naked eyes (still
pretty sharp according to my optician, despite my years) and Elon has promised
to coat future iterations with a non-reflective paint to make them less
visible. What’s more, they only appeared in my images for a period of
about 5 minutes.
the other hand, between SpaceX, Amazon and OneWeb, there will eventually be
thousands of the things up there. I don’t think this will be too much of
an issue for professionals, who typically image small areas of sky and usually
aren’t bothered about aesthetics. However, landscape astrophotographers
in particular may soon find it almost impossible to take those ethereal
‘Lonely Speck’ images of wilderness vistas beneath a pristine Milky
Way. Enthusiastic though I am about improved internet in rural areas and about
SpaceX’s long-term goals, which Starlink will help fund, that would be a
minor tragedy.
December 7th 2019 - Another Irrelevant Apollo Anniversary?
Twitter storm erupted a few days ago because the singer Billie Eilish
“admitted” in an interview that she had no idea who Van Halen was.
Look, I’m old and I get that. After all, Van Halen’s first and best
album launched forty years ago. But if Van Halen are “irrelevant”
to Billie and her generation, what about Apollo? Because in the era of VH1,
Apollo was already old news and fast fading into history. Meanwhile, Billie is
just 17 … coincidentally.
big Apollo anniversary was back in July, but today we have another, much more
low-key one: 47 years ago today, Apollo 17’s Saturn V left Pad 39A in a
night-time blaze of … what? Glory? Because that was the end. Not only the
end of Apollo, but of deep space exploration. Put it another way – on the
20th December (two days after Billie turns 18) no one under the age
of 47 was alive when a human last walked on the Moon.
decided to write about it only because of one thing. When I went looking for
images from Apollo 17 – that incredible shot of the lunar rover on the
edge of a crater abyss, for example – I quickly got into conspiracy
theories about how it was all faked. It amazes me how people still re-hash that
one, because the real mystery is right there in plain sight and they’re
ignoring it. The mystery of why, really, we have never been back. The longer it
goes on the more preposterous it seems, to me anyway.
you think of time as linear, stretching in both directions, we are as far from
Apollo now as the era of great refractors when professional astronomy was still
done with an eyepiece.
if it’s clear where you are, look out and you’ll see a nice gibbous
Moon overhead tonight – an Apollo Moon as some used to call it. Grab your
binos or a telescope and find the bright crater
Proclus with its V-shaped rays on the edge of Mare Crisium. Just to the west
lies Taurus Littrow and the Apollo 17 landing site (follow the arrow).
There’s no one there, hasn’t been for 47 years. That’s thirty
years before pop icon Billie Eilish was even born. Irrelevant like Dave Lee
Roth and the boys, now grown old as everyone (even Billie Eilish, even Eugene
Cernan) does? I hope not.
23rd November 2019 – The World’s Most Expensive
was idly surfing around on a Japanese astro’ shop website the other day,
when I noticed a pair of Nikon bino’s I didn’t recognise. They
looked a bit odd and so I delved further to find a remarkable new model.
good news is that Nikon have produced the first dedicated high-end hand-held
astronomy binocular since the Prostar, something binocular makers generally
don’t do because the market is just too small. The bad news …
we’ll come back to that. First, I’ll take a look at the WX’s
features and compare them to other premium binoculars.
new Nikons glory in the catchy name ‘WX’ and there are two models,
a 7x50 and a 10x50. Traditional then and oddly so because only those unusual
and lucky to have truly dark skies would get much from a pair of 7x50s for
astronomy these days. I would have hoped for a 12x50 or a 15x56, but no.
market a few special features for these WXs. For a start they have two ED
elements in the lenses to suppress false colour. But then so do a pair of
£1000 Kowa XDs. The WXs also have field flatteners; just like Swarovski
ELs, Zeiss SFs, or even Canon 15x50s. The WXs use Abbe-Konig prisms, like the Swaro’ SLCs again. But probably the most unusual
thing is the eyepieces that give these binoculars their odd appearance –
those eyepieces are huge.
say they’ve re-purposed their NAV eyepiece technology for the WX. In case
you’re not aware of Nikon’s NAVs, the two flagship models make a
Tele Vue Ethos look small and cheap. Those two have a field of 102° and eye relief of 16mm, which does make them quite
special. For the WXs, though, their NAV eyepieces ‘only’ give
fields of 66° and 76° for the 7x and 10x models respectively.
For optical
reasons it is hard to get wide fields in a 7x50, but Zeiss managed 60° from
their 7x42FLs more than a decade ago. The latest birding binoculars like Zeiss
SFs and Leica Noctivids manage 64° in normal
sized binoculars. So Nikon haven’t exactly knocked it out of the park
with the WXs. The eye relief of 15mm again looks good too, but similar to other
excellent designs like Swarovski’s 10x56 SLCs.
No, the most
remarkable thing, honestly, about the Nikon WXs is their price. When I first
noticed them, it
seemed someone at Kyoei Osaka had put the decimal point in the wrong place.
Except they hadn’t. The WXs cost … wait for it … £6199
on Nikon’s UK website. Because £6200 would have sounded too
expensive, right?
put that in perspective. Ok, they’ve got NAV. So two NAV eyepieces of
that spec’ (not the 102° monsters) would be about
£600 for a pair. Now for the prism assembly, let’s take the price
of the Zeiss Mark V binoviewer – maybe
£1200. Finally, we have two premium 50mm apochromatic objectives. For
those we could take a pair of Borg (made by Canon) 55FLs for a further
£1000 the pair. For the housings and accessories, we’ll allow
another £500. Totting that lot up, I get £3300 – about 50% up
on a pair of premium birding binoculars.
Nikon get to £6199 I don’t know. It reminds me uncomfortably of the
Tele Vue Apollo. Unless Nikon would care to lend me a pair to review, I am
unlikely to be able to report on whether the WX’s are worth their
astronomical price. Meanwhile, I can recommend a pair of Swarovski 10x56 SLCs.
Sunday 17th
November 2019 – Mars returns
mornings often have the best seeing here, in the autumn and winter at least,
when clear evenings see warm air boil off the land. So there I was a few
mornings ago, up at five and doing some testing on my south-facing balcony and
squaring up to Orion.
It’s a
great time to be out, with no lights around and complete quiet to enjoy the
night sky. Then, as dawn was extinguishing the stars in the west, I spotted a
bright orange star just risen over the roofs. I was puzzled. Reaching for the binos, I realised. Not a star, Mars.
haven’t thought about Mars much recently because 2019 has been an off
year in the biannual cycle. Though 2016 and 2018 were the closest oppositions
for a decade, Mars was too low to be readily visible from home and I’d
had to travel to view it (see above). I wrote about my experiences viewing the
2016 opposition from the Desert Southwest in my book ‘The Roads from Mars
2020 should
be much better, with Mars reaching a good altitude for us northerners. Right
now, Mars is only a few arcseconds across, but that will improve over the year
leading up to opposition on October 14th 2020 when it will be
22.3” in size and will transit the Meridian at
just after one in the morning at 41° altitude here – just
I strongly
urge you to get out there and have a look at Mars next year, from spring
onwards. It will be your best chance for a while. Try to spot some of the vague
surface markings that for centuries were all we knew. Sure, you can see more
with a planetary camera and careful stacking. Heck, just check out the high-res
images being beamed back from Curiosity. But seeing in real time with your own
eyes is important too.
I met a
leading professional astronomer from UC Santa Cruz during my visit to Lick
observatory this year, Ryan Foley. He told me that when he takes a team to one
of the major observatories, he always gets them outside to actually view the
night sky, something pro’s haven’t needed to do for half a century.
That’s why he turns up to Lick viewing evenings sometimes. Ryan thinks
it’s important and so do I.
If you
don’t have a scope that isn’t too packed with advanced CCD and
tracking gear to do the job, try to get a look at Mars from a star party or an
observatory outreach session like the ones at Lick. The new decade may see Elon
put a man on Mars if the stars align (well Starlink anyway) and there are some
exciting discoveries happening around oxygen and methane. But the Real Mars for
most of us will still be that brilliant orange star that reappears now and
then, just when we’d forgotten it.
Sunday 29th
Sept 2019 - Be More SR-71: Elon Reveals His Business Strategy
This morning
(UK time) Elon Musk updated us on his plans for SpaceX’s deep space
future in front of a gleaming silver retro starship. The whole thing was
wonderfully surreal. The hour-long talk and Q&A held many interesting
factoids and reveals, breathtaking stuff that many will scoff at, but that
stand a fighting chance of coming true: millions of tons per year to orbit;
double the thrust of a Saturn V; a Raptor engine built every day from 2020;
renewable rocket fuel from solar power. Among all shock and wow, was an off the
cuff comment that really caught my interest.
business strategy has long perplexed old skool money
men like Warren Buffett and his partner Charlie Munger. Munger, by the way, is
on record as saying he would never hire Musk, as if that means something. I
suspect Musk would rather flip burgers than work for a corporate bean counter
like Munger. Anyway, Munger and Buffett believe in ‘moats’ –
barriers to competition; Musk scorns them, saying that only the pace of
innovation matters.
In last
night’s presentation, Elon doubled down on that view with an evocative
metaphor. Elon is a fan of aerospace history and lore and for his metaphor he
chose the Lockheed SR-71 Blackbird, the fastest plane ever. The SR-71 is a
favourite of mine too. I saw one fly at Mildenhall airshow in the late Eighties
and saw the same plane a couple of years back at the Blackbird Airpark at
Palmdale (pic above). As Musk said, the SR-71’s only defence was to
accelerate; it was literally able to outrun missiles. SpaceX and Tesla are
doing the same: innovating, as Musk put it, at a recursively accelerating rate
to outrun the competition like SLS and New Glenn too.
The pace of
innovation at Musk’s companies may seem almost reckless at times and
there are inevitable slip-ups. But overall, what SpaceX and Tesla have achieved
in just the last decade is astounding. At Musk pointed out, Falcon 1 achieved
orbit for the first time just eleven years ago yesterday. That break-neck rate
of change and progress must be tough on Elon’s workers, but it makes his
endeavours uniquely exciting for you and me to watch. If SpaceX and Tesla can
survive the storm of negativity whipped up by the industries they are
disrupting, who knows what another eleven years will bring.
Jim Bridenstine just tweeted that SpaceX needs to deliver on Crew Dragon (even
though Boeing hasn’t delivered either, at almost double the cost). Right
back atcha, Jim: time for you to deliver on
SLS, the ‘cheap’ expendable booster, based on existing hardware,
that’s taken years, cost billions and still shows no signs of actually
carrying a payload into orbit. Apollo went from zero to Moon in just seven
years. The radical SR-71 was developed in just two years by Lockheed’s
Skunkworks. Shame NASA can’t re-discover that 1960s sense of can-do.
Weds 26th
September 2019 – T^4: Of Stars and Starship Heatshields
In a world
of fake news, something you can do to keep grounded is to use basic science to
figure out the truth. I like to do this and publish my workings here now and
then. Sometimes these arguments get a bit technical, like the piece I wrote on
why SpaceX might be able to make a Tesla Roadster fly (or at least hop).
Today’s argument is simpler.
In a recent
tweet about the heatshield of the new SpaceX Starship that is taking shape in
Texas and soon to begin testing, Musk wrote, ‘let T^4 be your
friend’. But what does that mean and why did he say it?
Musk was
discussing the way Starship’s heatshield works. By building the
ship’s outer skin from stainless steel, it can take much higher
temperatures than the aluminium structure of say the Shuttle. This means far
fewer ceramic tiles are needed for protection – just a few on leading
edge surfaces, rather than across the whole shield area.
Now this
ability for stainless steel to withstand approximately double the temperature
that aluminium can without melting is even more significant than it seems and
the reason is that T^4. It turns out that when something radiates - say a
Starship heatshield or indeed a whole star – the power that it radiates
away is governed by this simple equation:
P = AσT4
Where P is
the power, A is the area, σ a
constant (the Stefan Boltzmann Constant) and finally T the temperature. Elon
Musk’s tweeted ‘T^4’ just means T4, i.e. T to the power
four. In other words, the power radiated by Starship’s heatshield
will be proportional to the fourth power of its temperature.
So what?
So, it means
that the amount of power radiated away increases hugely with just a small
increase in temperature and that’s exactly what you want to get rid of
all that frictional heating on re-entry. Having the ability to withstand twice
the temperature of an aluminium structure means a stainless one can radiate
sixteen times as much energy in a given time.
that’s the mad genius of Starship! Building it out of heavy stainless
actually means you need a much lighter heatshield and all thanks to
‘T^4’ – Elon’s new BFF.
It also
tells us something interesting about stars: hotter ones radiate much more
energy than cooler ones and that’s why big hot stars have very short
lives, small cool ones very long ones. If you’re radiating much more
energy, you’re using your fuel much faster and it will ‘run
out’ much sooner. A hot super-giant might have a lifetime of just
millions of years; a red dwarf will shine (dimly) almost forever.
The giant, unstable star Eta Carinae (title image), which I saw from Hawaii
this year, is in the hottest class of stars (spectral class ‘O’).
It radiates millions of times more energy than the Sun. It has lived less than
three million years and is already reaching the end. Compare our nearest
extra-solar star, Proxima Centauri. It is of the coolest spectral class (class
‘M’), a red dwarf. It radiates thousands of times less
energy than our Sun and is already even older. Unlike Eta Carinae it will
continue to glow for billions of years to come. This enormous difference in
energy radiated is partially down to size and so surface area (the
‘A’ in the equation above), but mostly it’s down to that
‘T^4’ again.
simple Physics has astounding implications.
4th September 2019 – Porsche, Apollo and Tesla
Right about
now a famous German sports car brand is announcing a new model. It’s a
giant glitzy launch across three continents simultaneously. The new car is
Porsche’s first fully electric car, the ‘Taycan’.
Porsche has been relentlessly promoting it for months. The culmination of all the hype and PR
was an acceleration demonstration this week – from 0 to 90mph and back on
the deck of an aircraft carrier; and not just any old carrier. The test was
conducted by a top US racing driver on the USS Hornet, the very carrier
which recovered the capsule of Apollo 11 from the Pacific fifty years ago last
July. Porsche are clearly hoping for all the historical associations with
pioneering ‘firsts’ and brave new technical feats that I am making
right here.
The press is
unreasonably excited about the new Porsche, which is widely anticipated as a
‘Tesla Killer’. Personally, I am much less excited and not because
I am a Tesla fan. Indeed, if the Taycan were an
honest project, I would be happy to see it steal Tesla sales (as, I think,
would Elon himself). The problem is that – as I wrote some years ago
– the Taycan is just more sleight-of-hand by
the Volkswagen Group, the very same whose abhorrent ‘Dieselgate’
emissions cheating has likely killed thousands.
You see,
just before that last climactic publicity stunt on the Hornet, Porsche took the
Taycan to the Nurburgring
and confirmed the suspicions I wrote about two years back. The Taycan is fast alright – slower than a Model S
Performance in a drag race, but fast enough round a track to steal purists away
from Tesla. However, the range-topping Taycan Turbo
is crucially a little slower than the Panamera Turbo and 911 Turbo. And
that’s unquestionably by design. Porsche could easily have made the Taycan into their highest performing car; but they
haven’t and for a good reason.
Porsche hope
to hurt Tesla without stealing sales from what really matters to them –
their own lucrative combustion-engined models. Audi
has pulled the same stunt with the recent e-Tron: a nice big SUV, but with too
little range for mass appeal. Some Tesla customers (especially in Europe) will
choose it over a Tesla X, but most will opt for a conventional Q5 or Q7.
Similarly, the soon-to-launch VW ID hatchback is carefully placed to steal
sales from the Tesla Model 3 at the top end and the Nissan Leaf at the bottom.
But, tellingly, VW has left their best-selling Golf range untouched. The
intention is clear, VW have no real interest in EVs.
be blunt: if Tesla died tomorrow, Volkswagen Group’s EVs would be left to
languish and die – over-priced and under-sold into oblivion. If VW get
their way, we will still be driving on fossil fuels when Greenland’s ice
is gone and The Netherlands have returned to the North Sea. And that’s
why I’m less than thrilled by the Porsche Taycan,
even if they do want me to associate it with this year’s Apollo
anniversary. As with astronautics, a revolution is required. And just as with
SpaceX vs Boeing, only Tesla – love ‘em
or hate ‘em – is going to provide it now,
not ever-duplicitous VW.
31st August 2019
– SpaceX’s flying dustbin is a triumph: here’s why
Perhaps you watched the short flight
of SpaceX’s prototype a few days ago. If so, you saw a silver cylinder
with legs lift off in clouds of smoke and flame, climb 150m into the hot Texas
air and settle back down on a different pad. That silver cylinder is ‘StarHopper’, aka the Flying Water Tower; but to me it
looks more like an old-fashioned British dustbin. Either way it’s a
strange kind of rocket and so far its achievement seems modest compared to,
say, the twin boosters of a Falcon Heavy landing in unison. Where’s the
triumph? To get a clue, watch the clip again and pay attention to the rocket
StarHopper is a test-bed for technologies to be used in
SpaceX’s next giant rocket, Starship. Most significant is the rocket
engine, of which Starship’s Super Heavy booster may have as many as
thirty, though StarHopper has just the one. That
engine is ‘Raptor’.
Raptor has double the thrust of the
Merlin engines which power Falcon 9, but much more significant is the way it
achieves it. Back to that rocket exhaust. Did you notice how blue and clean it
was? That’s because Raptor burns methane instead of kerosene.
Methane is a great fuel because of
that clean burn, but also because it should be easier to make off-world. Other
new rocket engines are being developed to burn methane, including Blue
Origin’s BE-4, but Raptor’s tech’ is unique and getting it to
work is a real triumph; to explain why, here’s an excerpt from my book
‘The Roads from Mars Hill’:
engines gulp fuel and oxidiser. To keep them fed needs high-capacity
turbopumps. But how those pumps are powered varies. Cheapest and simplest is to
use an electric motor run off a battery; but that only works for small engines.
The V-2’s engine – the first large liquid fuelled rocket motor -
used a separate combination of chemicals to power a gas turbine, but that adds
weight and complexity.
modern rocket motors power their turbopumps on the same fuel and oxidiser as
the main engine. Usually this involves a separate gas generator powering a gas
turbine that drives the pumps. The gas generator typically runs rich to avoid
ruinously high temperatures and vents its waste gases separately and uselessly.
The F-1 and SpaceX Merlin engines (among many others) work this way. It’s
a well-tried technology, but is relatively inefficient.
Raptor uses a still more efficient configuration that runs all the fuel and
oxidiser for the main engine through a pre-burner stage that powers the gas
turbines for the pumps. This scheme is termed ‘full-flow, staged
combustion’. This is more efficient, largely because the propellants are
already gases when they enter the main combustion chamber.
extra efficiency of full flow staged combustion can drive performance, i.e.
more thrust for the same fuel consumption. Alternatively, it offers lower
stresses for the same thrust as a conventional design. It is also potentially
more reliable anyway, because the turbines run cooler and at lower pressure and
because it eliminates a key gas seal that can fail. Meanwhile, disadvantages
include more components and much higher pressures in the main combustion
SpaceX’s need for aircraft-like reliability, a no-brainer then? Well no.
You see, a full-flow, staged combustion rocket engine has never flown before.
Some even believed it impossible. The last to be fully developed was the
Russian RD-270 in the late Sixties and that never actually flew.
So, in
typical Musk style, SpaceX has swallowed the big risk and achieved something
truly ground-breaking with Raptor. Make no mistake, getting such a complex and
temperamental engine design to work really is one of SpaceX’s greatest triumphs
so far. Raptor could disrupt the space industry as much as SpaceX’s
reusable boosters have.
(sarcasm alert), this same week Vanity Fair published an article entitled,
‘Elon Musk is full of shit …’.
No! No,
Vanity Fair, no he really isn’t. And if you need proof, look no further
than SpaceX’s incredibly risky and bold move with Raptor. But perhaps
that’s the point. Elon’s seemingly super-human ability to take a
giant risk and win does something else – it creates real fear
among the competition, whose only response is weak and hateful gutter
July 2019 – A revelation about SLS and Blue Origin?
NASA’s next big rocket intended
for deep space missions, the Space Launch System or SLS, has attracted a lot of
negative press. Compared to SpaceX’s Falcon Heavy, SLS’s
development certainly seems both expensive and slow, especially since it uses
existing hardware derived from the shuttle – main engines, fuel tank and
solid fuelled boosters. SLS isn’t even reusable, apart from the capsule.
However, NASA is pressing ahead and
yesterday the SLS passed a major milestone – a test of its launch abort
system motors (see image above, taken last week). The test involved firing a
mock-up capsule to launch speeds atop a re-purposed ballistic missile (a
solid-fuel Peacemaker) and firing the motors that lift the capsule clear and
re-orient it. The test seems to have gone well.
Beforehand, I attended a NASA
presentation about the test at the Kennedy Space Centre Visitor Centre. Like
those old ‘three people walk into a bar …’ jokes, the
presentation was hosted by an engineer, a bean-counter and a PR rep’. In
his introduction, the bean-counter let slip that Blue Origin, currently
building a giant factory just outside the KSCVC gates, would likely have a
‘major role’ in SLS.
After the presentation, I asked what
the role of Blue Origin might be. Would it perhaps be to build the lunar lander
component? The response was revealing. The PR lady looked uncomfortable and
immediately trotted out the company line that a number of private entities
– including SpaceX - had been engaged to quote for SLS components, as per
recent press releases. Meanwhile, the bean-counter literally and deliberately
bit his lip whilst wearing an amused expression.
Does this suggest that Blue Origin has
already been selected to deliver a major component of SLS and its lunar
‘Gateway’? I think it just might. Will a major announcement about
lunar exploration be timed for the Apollo 11 50th anniversary in two
weeks? Ditto.
June 2019 – Are the Great Refractors at risk?
Almost a decade ago I took a trip
across America and as part of that trip I visited Yerkes observatory in
Yerkes is famous for housing the
largest refracting telescope of all (the lens for a larger one was made for the
Paris Exhibition, but never mounted for astronomy). Yerkes is also special for
its location – landscaped gardens next to a lake near wealthy suburbs,
rather than some remote mountaintop. Yerkes buildings are also beautiful
architecturally, in a way most built to be purely functional are not.
When I visited, the great 40”
refractor (see my own photo above) was still being used for research. I toured
the dome and took lots of pictures, but the telescope had clearly seen better
days. Very sadly the observatory is now closed and the fate of the 40”
very much in doubt. I heard a rumour the great Clark lens is in bad shape.
The second (I think) largest refractor
is the 36” at Lick Observatory in California. A visit to Lick last week
was a great experience and I even got to observe through it. But I got the
impression that it too is in need of restoration. The mechanism that operates
the movable observing floor is broken, making viewing of objects at lower
altitude – like the planets over the next few years - difficult. The
Selsyn pointing system isn’t working well anymore and the dedicated
volunteers who run it have to use the setting circles and manual controls (in
the dark, high atop the pier).
The risk to these instruments from the
heyday of visual observing is clear – they no longer have a purpose in
terms of professional astronomy and so funding is scarce or non-existent. When
modern instruments become obsolete, they are unceremoniously decommissioned, a
process I saw in action at Mauna Kea. But in terms of historical importance the
great refractors are different: unlike modern professional astrographs,
nothing like them will ever be built again.
Together with a one or two large early
reflectors, the great refractors are also the only really big telescope you can
look through these days. And much as I love small amateur scopes,
there’s no doubt that a view through something much larger has the
potential to amaze and inspire way beyond anything at a star party. Does that
matter? I believe it does. Interestingly and surprisingly, so does at least one
leading professional astronomer who was helping out at the Lick open evening I
went to. He knows that a view through a big telescope is inspirational to the
public in a visceral way that no instrument-derived result can be. I see this
effect time and again when talking about astronomy to young people.
What to do? Perhaps there is a way to
preserve these Victorian and Edwardian behemoths from the era of visual
astronomy to inspire future generations. The key to preserving these great
visual instruments might be the approach at Mount Wilson, where the 60”
and 100” are kept in top working order, available to book for groups or
individuals. What the Yerkes great refractor needs is restoration back to its
original visual configuration, in the way recently undertaken at Lowell
Observatory. It could then be funded with paid outreach sessions, similar to
Mount Wilson, available to school and astronomy society groups with more
serious interests, as well as for public viewing sessions. Perhaps Lick could
do something similar, beyond its current open evenings.
James Lick was a wealthy businessman
who funded Lick observatory basically as a personal memorial, where others
might have funded a library or college. Could Yerkes likewise become the Bezos
or Musk Observatory? Surely a great observatory – with stunning views or
The Moon or Mars - would be a better venue for SpaceX or Blue Origin corporate
PR than some Vegas casino. Jeff, Elon, how about it?
May 2019 - An Inspirational 1960s Ladybird Book – Exploring Space
Virgin Galactic’s long struggle
to get a space tourism service going - from Mojave and Spaceport America -
features in my recent book ‘The Roads from Mars Hill’.
Virgin’s lead pilot is an ex Virgin Atlantic (my favourite airline, btw)
pilot by the name of David Mackay who piloted VG’s second spaceflight in
February. Mackay is just a few years older than me and grew up with the Sixties
space race too, so perhaps I shouldn’t have been surprised that the
little book which so inspired his childhood space dreams was the very same one
which inspired me. That book is Ladybird’s ‘Exploring Space’.
I have two copies on my study bookshelf.
Exploring Space is a fantastic
pictorial dive into space exploration as imagined mid-century. It features,
amongst other things, finned rockets landing on a spiky Moon and visiting a
Saturn-shaped space station. The paintings are all in the typical lush Ladybird
style beloved by many (including James May) and that borrow from famous space
artists of the time like Chesley Bonestell (another character in my book). Oh,
how I loved those evocative silver rockets with their fins and fiery exhaust,
aged six!
One curious thing about Exploring
Space is that there are actually at least two versions. The one which so
inspired David Mackay and me is the original 1964 edition with a Gemini Capsule
on the cover. I also have a later version which air-brushes (or maybe actual
paint brushes back then) Apollo hardware – the Lunar and Command modules
and Saturn V booster - into the very same paintings that once dreamed of
streamlined finned rockets. In that second edition, my favourite painting of
all, of a rocket landing amid Lunar peaks, has sadly been deleted – no
longer realistic in a post-Apollo world of dully-rounded lunar mountains.
That second edition of Exploring Space
is a slightly sad reminder of how those fifties space ambitions kind of just
stopped with Apollo. Now, the New Space movement, including Virgin Galactic, is
starting to pick up those lost dreams. Elon Musk has said that fate loves irony
and now SpaceX, another New Space company, is reviving the whole finned silver
spaceship thing with a new rocket that consciously apes that pre-Space Race
style. Right now, the first version of the new retro finned silver SpaceX Spaceship
is testing in Texas. Could it be that one day the Exploring Space image of a
finned rocket landing vertically on the Moon will become reality after all?
David Mackay says that he’s been called a ‘dreamer’; me too.
May 2019 – Why Apple’s Project Titan may be more HAL than Herby
Apple has a project – Titan
– that has been going for years, consumes billions and employs thousands.
But nobody really knows what it’s for. People thought it was car. Then
Tim Cook said it was ‘the mother of all AI projects’.
Currently, project Titan is believed
to be a self-driving car. On the face
of it this is a fact – the project has as many as thirty sensor-covered
self-driving cars testing publicly in California. Apple has recently been
touting for new Lidar sensors. The only question seems to be whether Titan is
an actual car or just the self-driving software. Except that I have come to
suspect it’s neither, but rather something much more sci-fi.
My suspicions stem from an unlikely
source – the California Department for Motor Vehicles, or DMV. You see
California requires all self-driving car companies testing in the state to
submit a yearly report. That report includes various metrics, including the
number of autonomous miles driven and the rate of disengagements. The latter is
regarded as good way to determine whose cars are best, because it shows how far
an autonomous car drives between incidents when the safety driver has to take
The rate of disengagements varies
widely between companies, surprisingly so. Best is Google’s Waymo
offshoot, whose modified Chrysler minivans manage some ten thousand miles
between disengagements. Next come GM’s Cruise Automation, whose Chevy
Bolts can go five thousand miles without help from a human. From there
it’s a sliding scale through most of the other players in the field,
including Uber, China’s Didi Chuxing, Bosch,
VW, Delphi (Aptiv) and many others, some small and
preppy, that read like a who’s-who of automotive and tech. Flat-out last
is Apple.
Wait, what? Seriously? Apple, one of
the world’s largest and richest tech’ companies with a track record
in deep learning can’t even better some ten-programmer startup? Well,
seemingly not. But in fact it’s worse than that. For Apple’s
billion-dollar project with thousands of man years of development can’t even go a single mile without a
disengagement. Project Titan is thousands of times worse than the front
runners by this metric; it’s in a place where Google was almost a decade
ago. By current self-driving standards, project Titan is risibly,
embarrassingly bad.
It’s not just this one metric
either. Navigant Research, who study self-driving, places Apple last-of-many as
well. To me this isn’t only bizarre and improbable, it’s just not
possible. Not, that is, unless Apple is doing something very, very different. And I think it is. I
think Apple is developing the very thing Elon Musk and the late Stephen Hawking
counselled against. I think Apple is developing a general AI.
Perhaps it’s a system; maybe a
set of development tools. In either case, I suspect Apple is working on a
general deep-learning AI that can teach itself new tasks based on simple,
general rules and sensor inputs. This would explain the terrible self-driving
performance and why Apple is pressing ahead despite it. If I’m right,
Apple isn’t developing a dumb driving robot like Waymo and GM, Apple is
building a flexible system that can teach itself to drive, starting with basic
high-level rules and a road to practice on – much the way you learned to
Why might Apple be attempting such a
thing? Apart from the sheer intellectual challenge, something I think would
appeal to Cook, the answer is the usual - time and money. It’s taken
Google (Waymo) ten years, billions of dollars and huge effort to perfect its
self-driving software with its complex system of coded rules and neural nets.
Getting Waymo’s ‘driver’ to ‘learn’ a new city or
foreign road system would likely take a long time and much labelling of data,
training and testing. But if Apple can get a general AI to teach itself to
drive, it should be quick to adapt to new driving situations and environments,
much the way a human driver can. That would allow Apple’s self-driving
project to scale far more quickly and cheaply than anyone else’s and
perhaps dominate a trillion-dollar market in doing so.
And perhaps Apple’s general AI
is learning to do lots of other lucrative, difficult things too, just things
that aren’t as visible as thirty modified saloons covered in sensors.
Any other evidence? Just the
circumstantial. Cook’s cryptic remark about the ‘mother of all AI
projects’ was very suggestive. So is the name itself. For the Titans were
the second race of Greek deities,
succeeding the primordial race and preceding the Olympians. If so, then
Apple’s ‘Next Big Thing’ may turn out to be more like
2001’s HAL than some dumb driving robot.
April 2019 – Climate Change
Climate change has been in the
headlines this week: protests in London, Greta Thunberg’s powerful speech
to the EU; and last night a special on BBC1. The latter doesn’t sound
much, but it represents a huge change for the Beeb. Now off the fence, the BBC
had ‘the most trusted man in Britain’, David Attenborough,
unflinchingly present the ‘facts’. The FT found the film
horrifying; to me it was mild.
Planetary scientists know that the
worst could look more like sterile Venus than Attenborough’s ravaged
Earth. The film mentioned some tipping points like methane in permafrost, but
failed to mention others like ocean-floor clathrates that could accelerate
heating into a human extinction. Finally, Attenborough was optimistic. Bless
him, he’s that kind of man and we love him for it. Personally, I am less
hopeful. You only have to type ‘Tesla’ into Google to understand
that meaningful change will be impossible until the fossil-fuel lobby stops
paying the likes of CNBC to smear anyone who dares to threaten the carbon
status quo.
Alongside all the climate doom this
week there has been a spot of good news: the Kakapos are breeding. The Kakapo
is a large and bemused flightless parrot that has been pushed to the edge of
extinction by climate change and other factors. They only breed every few
years, but such was their enthusiasm this season that one even mated with a
photographer’s head. It’s a cute clip, check it out.
The problem with ‘Saving the
Planet’ is that it sounds a lot like saving the Kakapos: nice to have and
important, yes, but hardly worth disrupting the traffic for. In fact,
geologists and planetary scientists know that the physical planet has endured
far worse than we could ever throw at it. Extinction Rebellion at least have
that right: the issue is not the planet, but life, of the extinction of
countless species like the Kakapo, but also one a lot closer to home.
Couched in those terms, even the most
sociopathic hedge fund manager (yes, David Einhorn, I mean you) could
understand what’s at stake. Surely even the most rabid Tesla-hating
analyst could get that human extinction might threaten his favourite stocks.
Yet this week we’ve added more mainstream denial to the Trumpian
roll-call: the ever-handsome Richard Madeley questioning David
Attenborough’s authority; Sky’s Adam Boulton, whose English degree
informed his dismissal of climate change activism as ‘trying to tell us
how to live our lives’.
For me, a key turning point in
tackling climate change would be to mandate interviewers and pundits with a
scientific background. Whatever you think of Extinction Rebellion’s
methods, having an ignoramus like Boulton debating climate change on his terms
is a sick joke. But perhaps it’s worse than simple ignorance. After all,
Boulton is friends with the ex-CEO of BP. Years ago I was a bit sceptical about
climate change. A long talk with an eminent geology professor put me straight.
We need to listen to scientists, not corpulent Tories with a Big Oil agenda.
The burning of Notre Dame this week
saw me impotently shouting ‘just put it out!’ at the screen.
Metaphor much? One silver lining is that a century ago the Parisians planted
hundreds of oaks at Versailles in case Notre Dame one day needed them for a new
roof. That was a forward-looking prescience we struggle with today, but which
we will need in spades to tackle the existential threat we face.
Happy Easter.
April 2019 – Maundy Thursday’s Asteroid
A month back, I wrote about the
detection of a 173 kiloton detonation over the Bering Sea back in December
2018: the final act of a ten-metre meteor. I wrote at the time that the
ultimate goal is to detect 90% of NEOs (Near Earth Asteroids) above 140m in
size. Reading that the other way around means we are currently missing many
NEOs smaller than 140m.
Just such an object is due to pass
Earth at a distance of 136,000 miles - closer than the Moon - today. At a size NASA estimates at
between 7.5m and 30m that’s just a little larger than the Bering Sea
bolide. That may not sound big in planetary terms, but the energy released by a
meteor of that size travelling at cosmic velocities could be in the megaton
range. Such an impact wouldn’t risk human extinction, but could be
catastrophic to a city, depending on the altitude at which it released its
kinetic energy as a blast.
The disturbing thing about this is
that NASA only discovered the object around ten days ago - much too little
notice to do anything about it. And what could we do anyway? In another piece
of news this week, one possible answer is a new mission given by NASA to
That mission is ‘DART’,
which stands for ‘Double Asteroid Redirection Test’. The mission
goal is to slam into an object of just the kind of hard-to-detect size range
I’ve been talking about and redirect it. That DART target object is Didymoon, the 165m companion of NEO Didymos.
In a real-life asteroid emergency, the plan would be to alter its orbit just
enough to avoid a collision with Earth.
DART will launch atop a SpaceX Falcon
9 in June 2021, to impact Didymos over a year later
in October 2022. Even if the mission works, we are still vulnerable to
undetected asteroids of Didymos’ size in the
meantime. Fingers crossed for the next few years, then. Seriously. Because if
an asteroid of Didymoon (never mind Didymos) size did collide with Earth, it would reach the
surface (unlike today’s encounter object, which would likely be too
small). The result would be a detonation of Tsar Bomba magnitude.
Today is Maundy Thursday when
Christians attend Tenebrae (‘darkness’ in Latin) services. Tweak
the asteroid parameters a bit and today could really have been a day of
darkness. So why we aren’t taking this threat more seriously? The answer
is denialism – just ask Greta Thunberg. More on that tomorrow after
we’ve watched David Attenborough at 9 pm on BBC1 tonight, a film about
climate change which the FT described as ‘like a Horror Film’.
I’m not really a Christian, but
I do like the music. The BBC has just announced that this year’s Proms
will be space themed, but it will all doubtless be Holst and Ligety. If you
want mood music more appropriate to the season and this week’s
apocalyptic news (from asteroids to climate change and Notre Dame too), check
out Tomas Luis de Victoria’s haunting ‘Tenebrae’.
April 2019 – Falcon Heavy and the Pace of Change
Cue the Test Shot Starfish. Then
it’s sitting there live. Steaming. Hissing. Moments later and Falcon
Heavy is thundering skywards again in a ridiculous burst of fire and smoke
– the kind of spectacle not really seen since the last Saturn V, certainly
not since the last Shuttle. But, of course, this isn’t a NASA rocket like
the Saturn V or Shuttle; it was built by private finance. Make no mistake, this
is a sea change in the space industry. Falcon Heavy 2 proved the first time was
no fluke. A super-cheap heavy lift vehicle is now here. With Bezos spending his
Amazon billions doing something similar, it’s a new reality for space.
What happens next, no one really knows. As with so many other areas of modern
life the pace of change is accelerating. I watched the last Shuttle on TV; FH2
was on my phone with Bluetooth earbuds.
I just bought my first vinyl LP in
thirty years. It arrived on Record Shop Day, coincidentally. There are no
record shops around here now. It came from Amazon. I bought it to compare my
once-favoured way of listening to music with the kind of hi-res download I buy
now. But apparently, downloading is now in turn at risk from streaming. A
pundit on Radio 3’s Saturday morning show predicted hi-res streaming will
take over. Before it does, I for one will need better broadband. And for that
I’m looking to SpaceX and Bezos’s Blue Origin and their internet
satellite constellation plans. Musk says those recovered FH boosters may launch
the first batch.
Talking of Friday, Amazon and change,
I watched the final Friday episode of Clarkson’s Grand Tour with very
mixed feelings. The show was a funeral for Ford’s now-unloved Mondeo, but
it turned out to be a funeral for the careers of Clarkson, May and Hammond too,
at least as “serious” motoring journalists. The Grand Tour will be
an occasional travel slot from now on. Perhaps thundering around a track in the
latest BMW is going out of favour in the Tesla-led era of electric cars. The
funeral at Lincoln Cathedral was surreal, as was Clarkson bursting into tears
at the end of the show. No mercy for old formats from Amazon and Bezos: Boeing
Meanwhile, clear and cold weather here
has meant an unusual succession of clear skies: a whole quarter
lunation’s worth. Yesterday saw the lovely telescope spectacle of a
just-gibbous Moon in the Beehive Cluster. Yes, a few of us do still look through
our telescopes … for now. But how long before it’s an augmented
reality digital eyepiece, reality no longer?
Likewise, was FH2 a requiem for NASA
and Boeing and the way things have always been done in space? With SLS and
Starliner expensively delayed again, I reckon so. Perhaps I’ll go and
play some Easter-appropriate lamentations or a requiem – as a hi-res
lossless digital download obvs. Did you expect me to bother with an
LP-and-needle? My daughter is on Spotify. The times they are a changin’.
April 2019 – Martian Methane
Whether or not Mars puffs out methane
gas and if so whether it’s a biomarker is a big deal. I wrote the
following in my recent book, ‘The Roads from Mars Hill’:
“Methane was discovered on Mars using
infrared spectrometers on Earth-bound telescopes, including the 10m Keck II on
Hawaii, in 2003 and 2006 (the discovery was published later, in 2009). The
methane occurred in substantial plumes – much less than on Earth, but in
releases of tens of thousands of tonnes. About 90% of the gas Methane on Earth
is biotic (cow farts, mostly). But … the researchers were uncertain
whether on Mars it was biotic (though not cow farts, one presumes), meteoritic
or produced by some geochemical process.
Recent findings, based on measurements over
several Martian years by an instrument on the ‘Curiosity’ Mars
rover, confirm indications from the 2009 study that methane release is
seasonal. Once again, this is suggestive of life, but still equivocal: meteor
showers, seasonal melting or other periodic but abiotic processes may still be
the methane source.”
Recently, Mars’ methane has been
on and off like a dodgy wedding. Back at the end of last year, it was reported
that ESA’s Trace Gas Orbiter had found absolutely ‘no trace’
of methane at Mars, throwing the whole thing into doubt. Now, the BBC reports
that a different ESA orbiter, the older Mars Express, has detected another
methane spike with its Planetary Fourier Spectrometer.
What’s going on? It seems likely
that the methane source is not emitting continuously and perhaps only from
specific areas of the planet at that. Still, this is big news for Mars fans and
exobiologists. Confirmation of Mars methane would be another piece in the
jigsaw of evidence for microbial life on Mars.
March 2019 – Meteor fireball detected off Kamchatka
Interesting news article on the BBC
about a fireball detected on the 18th December last year in the
Bering Sea off the east coast of Russia’s Kamchatka peninsula, a place I
happen to know well. The fireball was detected by “military
satellites” – presumably those monitoring for nuclear tests.
Nothing seems to have been felt or reported locally (we sometimes forget how
big Earth really is).
The interesting thing is the size of
the explosion: 173 kilotons TNT equivalent, which is ten times the Hiroshima
nuke and the second largest meteor detected in decades, almost half the size of
the huge Chelyabinsk blast caught on all those Russian dashcams.
In this case, the meteor was just that
– it exploded in the upper atmosphere (25.6 km alt) over the ocean. But
it suggests we might not be as safe from small asteroids as we like to think
now the near-Earth objects (NEOs) are supposedly mostly known. So how big was
the meteoroid? We can get an idea from some simple physics, by assuming the
energy released was all the kinetic energy of the meteoroid.
The news report suggests a speed of 32
km/s and we know the energy released in kt, so first we can first convert back
to SI units. 32 km/s = 32000 m/s.
The energy in joules of a ton of TNT (according to Wikipedia) is 4.184x109
J, so the energy released by the meteor was 173 x 1000 x 4.184x109 x
0.907 (tonnes/ton) = 6.565 x1014 J.
We can rearrange the kinetic energy
equation, E = ½ mv2 in terms of mass to give m = 2E / v2
Then plugging our values back in, we
get mmeteoroid = 2 x 6.565 x1014
/ 320002 = 1282,000 kg.
Working back using density (probably
between rock and iron) and volume, that gives a meteoroid likely less than ten
metres across!
That’s really tiny! No wonder it
wasn’t a tracked NEO asteroid! It’s chastening to realise how much
kinetic energy such a small thing contains at cosmic velocities.
In, fact the BBC reports that the
ultimate goal is to detect 90% of NEOs above 140m in size. However, an asteroid
of that size would likely make it to ground level and would release many
megatons of energy. Gulp.
March 2019
A local news outlet in Boca Chica is
reporting that SpaceX’s Starship Hopper test bed is about to begin
tethered tests of its Raptor engine(s). This is a big deal, because Raptor is
completely new and the basis for SpaceX’s new Super Heavy/Starship launch
Raptor uses a design – full flow
staged combustion – that is radical and has never flown. It should make
the engine more efficient and/or more reliable.
Remote Boca Chica is on the far south
tip of Texas, just east of the Mexican border, where SpaceX has a test facility
on the coast.
March 2019
In my latest book, I write about the
truly crazy situation that no human has been more than a few hundred miles from
Earth in pushing fifty years. When and if we do, there may be no astronaut
alive from the previous deep space era to greet the returning crew. Unless
NASA has a planned (though likely
un-crewed) circum-Lunar mission (you know, like Apollo 8 … in 1968!) next
year, EM-1. But given the endless delays to the Space Launch System (SLS),
I’ve never taken that very seriously. But now, reports are coming out
that NASA may open it up to commercial tender. And that basically means ULA vs
SpaceX (again).
If NASA sticks with the planned Orion
capsule and service module, ULA would for sure need at least two and possibly
three missions to hurl the hardware aloft on a Delta Heavy, which can only put
about 10 tonnes into trans-lunar injection (TLI).
However, the situation with SpaceX is
less clear. The weight of the capsule and service module at some 26 tonnes
seems to be slightly beyond the limit for Falcon Heavy in fully expendable
mode. From what I can see, Heavy could loft approx. 21 tonnes to TLI. Could
SpaceX push the envelope (maybe with a Raptor for the second stage)? Or could
SpaceX even get the Super-Heavy booster flying by then? Given their almost
unbelievably aggressive development schedule so far, maybe.
Either way, if NASA decides to go
commercial for this mission, it looks potentially good news for fans of deep
space exploration: a successful un-crewed EM-1 might lead to a crewed version,
esp. given SpaceX’s low costs. On the downside, it could be another nail
in the proverbial for SLS.
March 2019
SpaceX has been in the news a lot
lately. Meanwhile, Tesla is having another tough week, with the press again
smearing Musk as some pot-smoking flake. Oddly, the same journalists write
glowingly how SpaceX is saving the US manned space program. Hello! It’s
the same guy!
Talking of SpaceX and Tesla, I wonder
what the “… and one more thing” will be at Thursday’s
big reveal of the Model Y? Could it be the SpaceX Roadster? Musk was tweeting
(what else?) about it again last month.
In case you’re not up to speed,
this will be a SpaceX branded version of Tesla’s new Roadster hypercar. The SpaceX Roadster will have cold gas thrusters
like a SpaceX booster, powered by a SpaceX COPV. The thrusters should give the
car extra acceleration (as if 1.9 seconds 0-60 isn’t quick enough) and
perhaps better cornering and braking too.
Much more importantly (?!), Musk has
promised those thrusters will let the SpaceX Roadster hover! I take a look at
whether this is even possible in this short piece:
March 2019
My new book is now live on Amazon
(Kindle only for now)
March 2019
Gave my second talk of the week about
the strange and fantastical legacy of Percival Lowell, the subject of my new
book: The Roads from Mars Hill.
The audiences and venues were
geographically close, but very different! First came a room full of nuclear
physicists at the University of Manchester’s futuristic Dalton Institute
Cumbria Facility. Second was my twice-a-year spot at Low Gillerthwaite
Field Centre’s dark sky event: children, chickens, soup-and-parkin, muddy
boots and a roaring fire.
March 2019
SpaceX’s perfect launch, docking
and recovery of the Dragon capsule paves the way for US manned space flight
again. More significantly for me, it gives SpaceX the headroom to focus on
Starship, the Moon and Mars!