Scope Views Articles

Note: travel articles have moved to the main Travel link


Choosing and Using:


*      Beginners Guide to Astronomical Telescopes

*      Choosing Binoculars for Astronomy

*      Buyers Guide: Two-Inch Refractors Updated 2024!

*      Buyers Guide: Four-Inch APOs Updated 2024!

*      Telescopes for Planets

*      Eyepieces for Planets

*      How Many Scopes do You Need?

*      How to: View Mars Updated 2024

*      How to: Order an Astro Physics Stowaway

*      How to: Buy a Telescope for Christmas Updated 2024!

*      How to: Clean a Refractor Objective Lens

*      How to: Clean a Telescope Mirror

*      How to: Fix a Stiff Tele Vue Helical Focuser

*      How to: Snap The Moon with a Super Zoom Camera

*      How to: Process Fuji RAF Format RAW Files

*      How to: Urban Astronomy

*      How to: Return Swarovski Binoculars for Repair

*      How to: Return Leica Binoculars for Repair

*      How to: Buy Astro Gear from Japan Updated 2024!


Telescope/Binocular Design:


*      Takahashi Focuser and Accessory Colours New!

*      What is an APO?

*      Why Put Fluorite In A Telescope?

*      Refractor Chromatic Aberration Rankings


Other Reviews:


*      Samyang 12mm F2 NCS CS Lens Astrophotography Review

*      Samyang 24mm F1.4 ED AS IF UMC Lens Astrophotography Review

*      Fujifilm XF 16mm Lens Astrophotography Review

*      Fujifilm XF 23mm Lens Astrophotography Review

*      Fujifilm X-Trans Camera (X-M1) Astrophotography Review

*      SkyWatcher versus TeleVue: 3 inch APO Comparo

*      My Favourite Eyepieces

*      Tele Vue Mounts Review: Tele-Pod, Panoramic and Gibraltar

*      Astro Physics AP1200 Mount Review

*      Takahashi Teegul SP3 Mount Review

*      Vixen Mobile Porta Mount Review

*      Vixen APZ Alt-Az Mount Review Updated 2024!

*      SkyShed POD Review


Fun and Nostalgia:


*      Names of Stars and Constellations in Harry Potter New!

*      Re-Creating Ladybird Book Astro Artwork


Other Astronomy and Space:


*      Mars Opposition 2020

*      Can SpaceX Really Make a Tesla Fly?

*      Volunteering at the Grand Canyon Star Party

*      LED Streetlights - Dark Skies Hope?

*      2015 Supermoon Lunar Eclipse

*      2015 Partial Solar Eclipse

*      Ethos in the Plural

*      Viewing Mercury

*      Geminid Fireball

*      I Want To Believe